(617 replies, posted in Releases)

Keep an eye out guys. I should be done gathering and disassembling all the carts I need for a cart release within this month of November.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)



(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Haha, that squishy filter sweep is adorable sounding! Every once in a while is goes "Squiiiush"


(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Crazy, I've done a cover of Dragon Roost as well in nsf format. Well to more accurate its 2/3 the way finished. It's been set aside for the time being. Great job on yours. I would have like to hear some drums though.

I guess I'm obligated to share my first tune. It's actually SID hip hop >.< To quote the post above me, how embarrassing.


Theres a couple MML editors out there for Android and iOS that are pretty fun. But having a proper keyboard is the only way I can actually be productive with MML.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I quite like both Power Pak and MidiNES.

Yeah I agree with sampling from console. The audio amplifier/filtering plays a big role in shaping the genesis sound.

Considering how complex FM is, this sounds to be a very large task. If I knew Genesis music better I'd help, but I have not had enough time with my GenMDM as I've been consumed by my own chip sampling endeavor.


(13 replies, posted in Sega)

Sweet! Been lookin' for an excuse to get a Nomad MegaEverdrive combo!


(48 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Nice!! That looks sweet!


(36 replies, posted in Collaborations)

So last year was Carillon only and now it's LSDj only. Did yall find a way to render or extract the song data in order to make into a single ROM? also does this new rule actually exclude tracks made with Carillon and XPMCK?


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

He's sold out if you hadn't noticed.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I guess seeing Jazz sell his is enticing people to sell theirs too.

Get it while you can people. Definitely a fun bit of kit!


(4 replies, posted in Audio Production)

No problem! Glad to have helped!


(4 replies, posted in Audio Production)

There is never a one size fits all plugin or EQ setting of any kind. Just find some reference tracks you like the mixing on and try to emulate it with your volume eq adjustments.

Also when you don't use a reference track you are trusting your speakers to tell you the truth about what it truely sounds like. Which, in almost all cases your speakers and room sound are telling you lies.

Also I'm assuming you recorded every track into it's own separate channel. That makes a big difference.

Sorry if it's not the answer you wanted to hear but it's the truth.

I've gotten weird slow noises before too. It's usually when I forget to put my samples in the right place. I think you just left the instruments and envelopes in tact without removing the DPCM locations right?