(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Monotron wrote:

It's all free to use stuff, most of it being from an old nuclear test video released by the government called "let's face it"

Like I said I had a feeling I was alone in this. Just bothers me when music vids aren't all original content. I think my fair use statement was moot and didn't represent my opinion fully. Things have been said in response to it that are inaccurate and also promotes a false understanding of what the law is about.

All being said didn't try to make it a big deal. I like your music, and you should be proud of it. Thanks for the upload!


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

It may just be me, but I dislike seeing presumably copyrighted, but none the less somebody elses content being used is such a way. Your track and editing are very enjoyable and I dig it alot. I may be alone on this, but I couldn't get into the vid for that reason. (Only exception to this is when fair use and parody applies)


(32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Alpine wrote:

I just bought mine, and I saw your name in the supporters, nice to know that a couple of cm.o peeps are in on it

Agreed. Even though on the surface we look obsessed with Gameboys, theres still quite a few of us that prefer the sound of the SID. I for one can't wait to see how they did with the MIDI capable Cynthcart. Hoping for some CC control smile I'd slave it along side a MidiNES and cream my jeans.


(32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Successfully funded! Can't wait. This looks so cool

A - Mainly cause I barely missed out on the run vegavox 2 carts, and wasn't around for color caves or vega 1. So I wasn't able to get my hands on eiher of them. Nes cart albums are a deep love of mine (even been developing one myself, nothing too complex though).

My fantasy idea would be something very like what you want, though too crazy to build most likely. I would be a synth keyboards that has real chips on board being used as oscillators. Like switchable between modes like SID mode or 2a03 mode or POKEY mode. I could do cool stuff like route the 2a03 through the SID filter and would have on board routable LFOs and envelopes for controlling the chips. Kinda like MSSIAH and MidiNES stuffed into an all in one hardware synth.

Not a dumb question. I was in the same boat as you when I first heard about, and tried to research what it was. Arduinoboy is a device that will convert normal midi messages into a signal the gameboy can understand. LSDj has a midi sync option that can be used with arduinoboy, and it also has a 'keyboard' mode that I've heard can be used (provided that the arduino boy is set in 'keyboard mode'. Witch is another thing to note. Arduino boy has lots of different modes it can be set in that allow it to talk to different peoples gameboy softwares. Like mGB is a software much like midines that waits for note values and note on/off messages coming from a midi device via the arduinoboy. no sequencer but very fun to sequence in a modern daw whilst still playing with the real GB hardware. So it is more than a midi syncing device, cause it can convert actual note falues and I believe some CC (I'm unsure on the CC bit)


(11 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Don't know if it is vram but those are what my bend is hooked up to. same package chips in the Model 1 genesis under the heatsync


(11 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/13573 … eo-device/


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Damn. You've done it again! This is seriously excellent work.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Checked my mail just now. Guess what was inside big_smile

Thank you!


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dadibom wrote:

Has anyone tried spraying the inside of a colored clear case?

That is actually very popular.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

friendofmegaman wrote:

I call it Post Apocalypse Boy

That is pure sex. Excellent work!


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Mrwimmer wrote:

Build one of these guys


^^^ I second that. They are very fun and useful. Best GBA specific music tool to date.

› Show Spoiler

Fudgers wrote:

poor tylerbarnes has been put in an awkward position sad

haha, nah. I was simply offering up info I aquired from THIS thread from Kitch himself.

I meant like only use one account as your active user account. Any old ones should be abandoned.