i've done quite a bit of this, maybe this will help...
i doubt you'll be able to pull off a dark smoke black color. the black dye tends to leave a purple tint. i'm not sure how to direct you to get that color, its really a difficult dye to get to set like this. usually blacks aren't pure black anyways, just so dark its negligible,
but, yeah, your ingredient list is right. you'll use VERY hot water, add the rit dye to this, then add your acetone to the hot water (so you splash water, not acetone). the acetone will lower the boiling temp of the water, so most likely it will boil up a bit so be prepared for this.
DO NOT use a container that the acetone could weaken. any type of plastic. i've found cheap pie plates from the grocery store work really well.
the ratio depends on the few things, i personally used a stronger acetone solution than what a lot of people seem to do but I was doing a bit of these so felt comfortable with doing that. the more acetone, the quicker the plastic is weakened. which means the color takes better, but it also eats at the plastic more.
if you google "rit dye yo-yo" you'll find a bunch of people who colro their yo-yos. use their tutorials, its basically the same process.
you'll get the hang of it after a couple of them.
beware of rit dye clumps. make sure its dissolved well before adding the plastic to the mix.
don't breath in the fumes, they're carcinogenic i believe.
and, this works a lot better if you're able to keep your water temp high for the whole thing. doing it outside is best, but right now its so cold in a lot of places the water cools really quickly. if you do it inside make sure you ventilate like crazy. its really quite unpleasant...
hope that helps! i'm probably leaving something out... i'll chime in if i think of anything important.