Congratulations Aly on the release.
Mega work!
I'm blown away by the thorough research and the beautiful graphics.

Great work Monsieur James
Both sounds and looks amazing
Definitely worth paying money for
We look forward to the release

analog monster wrote:

Mine arrived this morning, uk post.
But can somebody please provide me with the latest m4l tools?

here's the index:

welcome to the proud GENMDM owners club

analog monster wrote:

Thanks for that!  a hackspace has just opened nearby and I've been playing with the laser cutter, wanted a nice way to etch panels for my DIY modular synth and what you've described is EXACTLY what I need

happy to hear that smile

here's a close up of one of the panels … 918542.jpg

just a link, I think I have been Blowing my own trumpet enough in this thread smile

little-scale wrote:

beat me to it.

values are 0.1uF for the ceramics and 47uf for the electrolytic

Cheers to you too mate smile

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:

With the front of the board facing you,the negative is to the left, positive is to the right.

I can get a closer photo if you want to confirm.

Cheers mate, I trust you smile

little-scale wrote:

i might have missed them. i can send you a new cart OR i can send you the parts.

which ever you like. my apologies.

No worries, I'll just solder them on myself, I have some here, you're too far away for some bits like that wink
Is it just the 3?
Could you confirm the values please, I think I can see from the photo where they go, but I need to know the orientation of the el.cap. (not El Captitan, the mountain)

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:

Wierd. The electrolytic is 47uf and 10v. Don't want to be wiggling the ceramics around, but they say 104 on them.

thanks, 0.1uF ceramics then
I'll check the underside of the board tomorrow, maybe I didn't notice them smile

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:

Look what turned up today! Cheers Seb!

Can't wait to play around as soon as I get hold of a MD1

welcome to the club smile

Does all yours have those 3 capacitors? (orange and blue parts)
Mine doesn't??

Seb, could you please explain.

he he smile "double post"
at least we answered exactly the same

RyuX wrote:

hey guys.. just asking if there ever will be a VST version to use with the GenMDM ? i guess this max live stuff cant be run on windows ?

Aly James here on CM is making a VST with a killer GUI, check it out earlier in this thread, it's brilliant

M4L runs on windows and Sebs standalone patches are equally brilliant, and you don't even need M4L, max runtime is free

yogi wrote:

The panel looks good! Are you using FPD?

No, not for this.
I use a CAD software called Microstation
I have used FPD for the panels I have bought from FPE, or Schaeffer here in Europe, but it gets very expensive
Lately I have laser cut front panels in a black&white engraving acrylic, it has a white core with a thin black top layer

thanks for the input yogi, my ears are fine smile

I will have a go at making a midibox controller from scratch one day, but for this I'll stick to what I can do now
I have built two stereo MB-SID's and two MB-64 controllers, but with them everything is there, just to follow the instructions, coding for special needs is out of my league at the moment.

here's my latest CS design
a bit more space between the knobs, and a few LED's and buttons

ha ha, I'm an idiot
makes no sense to have control pots for one operator per channel, level and multiple
back to the drawing board

yogi wrote:

Yes, for me, CS' seems to be my biggest issue; one of those things that you start planning and it just grows and grows. Too many cool options you can add. I Really like the knobs and LEDs, but the simplicity of the Sammich SID hardware seems more appealing completion-wise, but then you have to rely on a DAW. Either way, it's about the sound in the end.
Looks very cool so far!

How are you on MIOS coding? Assembler? C?
My coding level, if you can call it that is copy/paste arduino stuff, so zero sad
I would love a CS for the GENMDM with LCD, buttons, LEDs and encoders, but I'm stuck with my limitations.
I also have the space limitations in the ZX case.

here's the mock up CS
a bit tight between the pots
I haven't used it enough yet to know which 4 parameters I would like to tweak live, but these are it for now
I'll probably add 2 pots and a button/LED for the DAC parameters on the right side of the case
any suggestions/comments?

Noo-noo-fumes, a soldering-man's best friend smile

yogi wrote:

Very nice!! Bottom half of ZX case or is it the Nomad? Like'n how you mounted the Teensy. Very cool board fitting. Can't wait to see it finished.
You'r running MB64 on the core? LCD? Very interested in your configuration. Will be very cool to see a CS.
Just got an NXP OM13000 (same as LPCxpresso brd, but cheaper!), so the plan is heading towards an NG.

Thanks smile
ZX case, just the Nomad guts minus the LCD(dead)
yes I'm running MB64, havent moved on to LPC17
I've seen you on the forum there as well
I'm keeping it simple, so no LCD
I haven't decided yet, but for now: 5 pots for each 6 FM channels:RAM presets,algorithm,feedback, level and multiple
might add a few extra for DAC on the 6th. I want some live tweakable parameters
I can't fit that much on the keyboard area of the ZX, too many pots too close is not really usable
I'll post a picture when I have a dummy CS up'n runnin, nice with some feedback from fellow builders

yogi wrote:


I finally have an effective extractor, all those fumes can't be good
I think I'll put some ping-pong balls for eyes on it tomorrow wink