(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


I'm trying to do something similar, I want to change the MIDI CC numbers.
I have done that in the mGBASMMidiFunctions.s file, but I have problems with compiling.

This is the message I get:

mgb.c:2:17: fatal error: mGB.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [build] Error 1

I have downloaded gbdk-n, and just put it in the folder with that name in the mGB-master folder.
I have installed SDCC and MSYS 1.0.11 with Make 3.81

Any suggestions?

Cheers, Hal

Never mind, I found the correct google search words, and the solution was already here on this site.

Sincere apologies for any inconvenience wink

Boner wrote:

in the main sketch file change these lines

boolean alwaysUseDefaultSettings = false;  //set to true to always use the settings below, else they are pulled from memory for the software editor

0x00, //force mode (forces lsdj to be sl)
0x00, //mode


boolean alwaysUseDefaultSettings = true;

0x01, //force mode
0x05, //mode

so force mode is enabled, and //mode is the mode you want it to be forced to, in this case mode 5 - MGB. Leave out all the LEDs besides status. tie pin 3 to ground so the mode isn't accidentally switched. you can do this to make a stripped down arduinoboy for any mode.

Or if someone knows a way to alter the code so it only uses one mode, lets say mGB mode.
That way I can omit the 5 mode LED's and the button and all the code relating to the LED's, modes etc. smile


thanks for the suggestions.

I figured out those two. The problem is all the LED handling and eeprom settings in Led_Functions.ino and Memory_Functions.ino. They seem to be coded around the 5 LED's in order.

I want to build an Arduinoboy with only two modes, LSDJ Slave Mode and MIDI Game Boy
Has anybody done similar changes to the code? or have any suggestions to where to find all the different parts of code that relate to the Mode functions?

I started to delete the obvious, and change void switchMode to the two modes, but there's a lot of entries related to the LED's and eeprom that I don't get.
appreciate any pointers

Cheers, Hal


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

thanks smile

Category wrote:

That's pretty badass. You should put an arduinoboy inside one (or both)!

my Arduinoboys are cased in their own enclosures


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks guys smile

Here are some guts pics

- Sound mod with RCA
- Backlight from Nonfinite
- Biversion
- Extended connection to the ins and outs, switch and pot
- Connected a NES Controller
- Recased in a SInclair ZX81 case with laser engraved and cut frontplate and screen

Here's a demo of my DMGs running LSDJ and mGB with Arduinoboys


Has it got something to do with the exchange rate?

I bought my GENMDM in 2012, the first round
Then when Aly's plugin came, I bought that as well
I use them both, in different ways. They are both great.
I am grateful for people like Seb and Aly, for the things they make, share and make available.

I totally understand the frustration, I waited for mine a while as well.

If you just have to have it NOW!
you can still buy mine:

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/13255 … a-drive-1/

I'm selling mine
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/13255 … a-drive-1/

I'm selling my modded SEGA Mega Drive 1, PAL, VA3 with GENMDM cart and built in USB MIDI interface.
- USB MIDI interface for GENMDM with USB socket
- Composite Video out RCA
- Stereo audio out RCA
- Blue power LED

In addition to working as a synth, it also still works as a game console smile

I am located in Norway (Europe) but will ship most places

Price: 250.- EUR / 325.- USD + shipping

You get:
- Console with built in GENMDM USB MIDI interface
- GENMDM cartridge
- Original SEGA power supply (220V - 50Hz Euro plug)

If you want, I can include one hand controller, USB A-B cable, Audio/Video cable and 6 games

Want more info?
Search this forum, or PM me

Here's a video of my newly enclosed GENMDM

if you like the label for the cart, it's here

I have some problems with the M4L strips
I use 102 firmware, but when I try the newest 102 M4L tools with TFI support in the FM ch. strip, I can't get any sound
It works with the previous 102 M4L Tools

any suggestions?
is the 103 far away?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

TSC wrote:

Sample list for MIDINES 1.0: http://web.archive.org/web/200409032326 … manual.php

Thanks TSC

I have 1.1.0, but he might have kept them the same


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Does anyone have a list of the 256 samples on the MidiNES?
midi note (nr,) - sample (drum machine - sound)