while you have been doing your chip-wizardry, and catering for all our desires, this is what I've been up to

midi and power circuit, PIC, Teensy, Nomad and multiplexers all fit snugly
just waiting for some pots to start on the control surface

made this as well, "these fumes are making me thirsty"

kinda reminds me of this my kids used to watch of Teletubbies

little-scale wrote:
eptheca wrote:

great news, some FM chords gona sound mega


they sound MEGA! (I checked out the video)
thanks a bunch smile

little-scale wrote:

I'm working on it already - will be a Max patch and standalone app smile

great news, some FM chords gona sound mega

got my 5 pin DIN midi installed
thank you for making this possible so fast, it has taken away all the noise I got from the USB connection smile

what about a 6 note Poly option, either on a separate MIDI channel or in a M4L patch
just an idea wink

OK, thanks, makes sense and is possible smile

yes, that answers it thanks
that's what I hoped
So I'll set the range of the pot to hex 0-78 to spread it evenly, because instrument 15= cc 112-127?

I have a question about the midi mapping for Preset Recall from RAM
Will it work with a pot to switch between the presets, or does it need the exact value, like B0 09 08, B0 09 10 etc.
I was thinking I'd have a  pot for each channel for presets

little-scale wrote:

Wow. Much respect. I love it!!!!

thank you, that means a lot
your work has inspired me for years

I'm very interested as you might have guessed smile

My plan is to end up with something like my ZX midiNES
just have to decide which parameters I want on the control surface

little-scale wrote:

Dude, that's awesome - would you be able to post pics of your build process? Love it!


No working hardware has been butchered to make my sound devices.
Only spares & repairs parts has been used.
So please no 8-bit "fatwás" etc. smile

(yes I know, the Sega has a 16-bit processor, 8-bit used as a general term, the sound controller is a Z80 though wink)

Like my midiNES, I'm casing a Nomad, GENMDM, a midibox Core, DIN, AIN, DOUT and control surface in an old ZX Spectrum case,
The Spectrum cases is an obsession I have had since I fried a  Zilog Z80 once and accidently inhaled some of that magic blue smoke smile
I'm trying to decide which parameters I want to tweak live, I can't fit all the 128 on the control surface sad

I'll need 5V for the core etc as well so I need a power circuit anyway
The core has a MIDI thru/ merge function

I looked at the teensy pin diagram, RX was D2 for both C and arduino

>It's not in the current firmware though

I know, I'll wait, but I'm in a soldering mood smile

Wow, "you're on a roll man"
Great news, I'll start soldering

So MIDI IN on pin D2?

still a problem with DAC Custom Waveform, does not save the waveform settings

I figured out the reason.
I dragged and dropped the patch from a folder on C
When I copied the folder with the patches into the C:\Users\Halvor\Documents\Ableton\Library\Presets\MIDI Effects\Max MIDI Effect\Imported folder and D&D it from there, it saves and Hot Swaps fine
I think they have fixed this in Live 9

your Instrument idea sounds great though smile