W7 64, Live 8.2.2, Max 5.1


yes, but I have tried with the previous version as well, same problem
the whole genMDM_OP disappears

I have tried to use the Save Preset and Hot Swap Preset buttons, but it only works with some settings.
-Global Strip works with all parameters
-DAC Strip works with all except Custom Waveform
-FM Channel Strip works with the 5 first parameters in the "box" but all the 40 operator knobs disappear totally in the saved version ???

I use Live 8.2.2, M4L 5

little-scale wrote:

Ive made a preliminary version of a user sample kit editor.....

It works so far, and allows you to load samples into the GenMDM firmware ROM ala LSDJ kit manager.

Finally, I am currently working on a simple solution for 5-pin DIN setups


This is great!
2 things on my wishlist almost there smile

On the top of my wishlist then is a way to store and recall "instruments" settings in Max 4 Live
or does anybody know a way to do this?

yogi wrote:

Thanks for the tease !! Could you describe your setup, Is that a modded ZX or just using the case for a Midi CS or step Seq?

You're welcome
For the test I have just connected the GENMDM to my pc running Live with M4L
The ZX is just an old case with a UMC32 midi controller card http://www.halemicro.com/wp/products/umc32m/
It's nice to have physical knobs for adjusting the settings

here's my first go with it
I love it!
Defiantly worth waiting 9 months for, like a new baby smile

Thank you Seb, it's fantastic
sorry for the impatient attitude

It's really easy to connect and use, specially with the M4L patches, and my ZX "Knobby" 32 controller comes to use again

For the rest of you waiting, you are in for a treat

little-scale wrote:

wow that took ages

yes 2 months
it says SEA MAIL on the envelope, so I guess they put it in a bottle and hoped it would arrive here eventually smile

Made my day smile
I'm in Norway, and that's pretty far from Australia

nothing here
maybe it would be helpful with some tracking numbers soon?

6 weeks?
I wish that "The Fall" tunnel from Total Recall was real, London - Sydney 17 minutes smile
I'll wait a while then

thanks for the info

Has anyone from nov.16 shipment received theirs?
Anyone in Scandinavia / Europe have a shipping time from earlier shipments?
Just wondering if I need to "put out an APB" for it yet smile

little-scale wrote:

lol you guys.

i won that race years ago with genmdm v1.0

That's cheating Seb smile

I understand that you don't want to release the code
I thought I'd wait until the firmware update, and adjust the code for "real midi" then if possible.
Yogi's idea  with a pre-programmed AVR is good I think.
I'm in

analog monster wrote:

I'm just hoping to fit a 5 pin din midi in, as i am MPC and HW synths only when I play live

I am also waiting for mine in the post, and also want to hack it to use "real midi"
please share your work, and I'll do the same smile
"The GenMDM real midi race" is on

thank's for the update
great news smile

kitsch wrote:

someone correct me if i'm wrong,

but wasn't the release date posted in the thread earlier for the first batch?

and, those have all been sent out?

meaning everyone else is in on the second batch, which as of yet doesn't have a release date and is pending parts/assembly/manufacturing, right?

No, not right.
This is all from the same batch, no orders for 2nd batch has been taken.
There has been different "rounds" after "first come first serve"
Judging from his last post, he has all the parts, and only has to build and test the last 20 or so units

Seb, 29.August
"So today I've sent out another 20 units.
This leaves approximately 20 units that have yet to be built, tested and shipped out.
I am going to attempt to build another 10 units over the next few days - I'll keep you all updated."

This is all the same batch, said to ship May 17th and then postponed: "A realistic shipping date will be  Thursday, 7th June."

I have all the respect in the world for him and his work, he's  a proper chip-wiz in my eyes
I understand that life gets in the way sometimes as well, I have a job and kids

I would just appreciate the update, I can wait for my turn as long as there is some communication