SJSFC wrote:

did anyone else shamelessly PM the OP a link to their music as he's excited about chipmusic for the first time? or am I the only one?

Your not the only one actually, and thanks for doing so ^.^ Listening to "Origami Repetika: Little Bumble" right now. I this is either what its like to be a bumblebee, or the track a squirrel plays inside its head as it flys from tree to tree.

Artists are always welcome to PM songs for review and posting on the page. And anyone who likes the page can submit directly themselves if they want to. When I said community, I meant the entire community. Keep the songs coming! Anyone is free to submit music to me either here or via the page, for both review and posting to the public.

bryface wrote:

Help Growing The Chiptune Community (The Thread Lives On)

Ill change the name of this thread just because of that post

Incorporating "This week in chiptune" as weekly update to help expose members of the page to different tracks. Thanks to DJ Cutman for being awesome! Sharing it here as well as the page to help him out.

(By the way, one of the songs he found while browsing on this site)

Ive been dissecting it over the last couple of hours big_smile I wouldnt mind featuring something like that on the page if you ever start it up again.

Is it still running?


70% poop, 25% learning, mixed with 5% good intentions

Catf1sh wrote:
The CM.O Community wrote:

What! Something that doesn't affect me negatively in any way! I must fling poop in it's general direction and hope that the n00bz leave!

Lol, that was pretty good. I can understand the communities reason for such a backlash though. They are very protective of their chiptune baby tongue

On a side note, over 2000 people have viewed this topic. Damn


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

shared because...well damn....

Actually spent some time looking into the music he had on his page after I wrote that. At the time it was meant as a joke, because the thread seems to have died down to jokes and random shit anyway.

On a serious note, the page has almost been up for a week now and is still holding on. It was really cool to help a local artist spread the word about his show, as well as dive head first into the chiptune community. Ive already learned a ton, and cant wait for whatever comes next. Hoping to get in contact with some artists when I get home and try to get a show going near me, because that would just be the coolest thing.


Dude, thats like the exact opposite of what you want to do tongue

Respect to those that do make the music of course!

Alpine wrote:
chunter wrote:

Like roaches that scatter when the light is turned on...

Roaches that don't like to be exposed to the outside by the wrong kind of people, they need someone they can trust, and until that day, they'll stay hidden, and when they are show for brief occasions, they are misunderstood, and unable to explain themselves due to the ignorance already spread about them. They only want to be understood, to be loved.

(That was deep)

So following advice from a few of you've, Id like to promote a show going on in the UK!

AssadB will be playing at the Kingston Mill located in Kingston, England. Exact location for any of you London area Chiptuners can be found at Apparently he's played there before, and cant wait to do it again! No show name unfortunately. Show up for drinks, great food, and great music preformed by a local artist.

AssadB's page is located at:

About 45 minutes away from LA so, not too bad. Will look into this in a week or so when im back. Ive done a lot of exploring into the community in the last few days and have learned a ton.

Thanks to those that have given helpful advice, and  hopefully I can grow the community in a way that everyone will agree with. To the few that have liked the page, I appreciate it. And to those that make the music....carry on. A lot of you guys go unappreciated, and deserve more respect than your given.


Suppose so!

I honestly really like that idea. Ill be home from school in a week or so, and I would love to see a show in my area. So heres the question my chipper friends, whats the Southern California scene look like? Any of you guys down there?

Then look at it this way: If I fail, then my page goes unliked and I continue on with my day to day life. But if its successful, more artists are able to bring their music to a wider audience and everybody benefits. Im glad that this page is helping me spread the right image of the genre though.

Just found them actually! Ive been listening to that 51 track album throughout the day, which has been quite good. Im going to try and get in contact with them, thanks.

Yeah Saskrotch..but while you've been doing nothing but discourage me others have provided insights and helpful tips. If you dont want to help me grow the community (but would rather not even try because ill get bored in a year) then leave this thread. In a year you can laugh at me, if your right.


But thats my reason for using it? Seriously its an avatar, and the only one that fit the obnoxiously small requirements at that.

All the recent posts have been constructive, and now your just taking cheap shots at me. If you could join the constructive crowd, that'd be appreciated. Otherwise I think your point has been made, and you dont have to stay. I realize that alot of people get into something and then forget about it a little while later. Good thing im not a lot of people.

*Borrowing your description for now n00b. It works, until I find a better one!

Haha thanks Walter. Feel free to check out the page if you like it.

Sketch you are correct! That's exactly where I got it from. I will do some more digging later. Right now I'm lost in the music that people have been throwing at me. And thanks for the term clarification.