Cool stuff! I watched (and loved) that video of you jamming on the street with that bass player Ojay and kept meaning to check out your other music but never got around to it. Nice work
1 May 16, 2011 8:12 pm
Re: Euan Lynn - Album sampler (5 replies, posted in Releases)
2 Apr 3, 2011 5:14 pm
Re: Too Much (1 replies, posted in Releases)
This is pretty fresh! Nice job
3 Mar 31, 2011 5:50 am
Re: Bit_Rat - Test Subject 2 (15 replies, posted in Releases)
Thanks Jay! 3rd one, maybe... but if there is it'd probably be a ways a way, I want to try some other things with this project first.
4 Mar 29, 2011 11:02 pm
Re: Bit_Rat - Test Subject 2 (15 replies, posted in Releases)
Cheers, Holy Konni! Thanks so much for taking the time to listen
5 Mar 29, 2011 12:37 am
Re: Bit_Rat - Test Subject 2 (15 replies, posted in Releases)
8-Bit-Rex, thanks! I'm really glad you enjoyed the narration as well -- I think lots of people might be scared when they hear an album touted as having voice-over work, as I suppose it can be done very poorly/embarrassingly... Tried to make the segments here extremely listenable though, I'm glad it paid off.
6 Mar 27, 2011 5:46 am
Re: Bit_Rat - Test Subject 2 (15 replies, posted in Releases)
Thanks, fluidvolt and HPizzle.
HPizzle, my recording input chain looked a little like this:
LTD FX-260SM guitar (with the exception of Wanted, on which I used a Godin Freeway EMG which I later sold shortly before buying the LTD) > Fender Frontman 65R amp > MXL 990 condenser microphone (again with the exception of wanted -- used a Shure SM58 on that one) > E-MU 1616m Cardbus recording interface > Cardbus to Expresscard adapter (extremely touchy) > laptop running Cool Edit Pro. On most of the songs the microphone was up against the cloth but somewhat off-center; this made the tone a little sloppier than I'd like but I didn't want to re-do everything at that point. You might notice the guitar tone is much tighter on System Check 1 and Commercial District; those are the only two songs where I actually spent some decent time getting a good solid mic placement going on.
Hope that helps, and let me know if I can tell you anything else!
7 Mar 24, 2011 4:29 am
Re: Bit_Rat - Test Subject 2 (15 replies, posted in Releases)
Thanks Wizwars!
8 Mar 23, 2011 4:59 pm
Re: Bit_Rat - Test Subject 2 (15 replies, posted in Releases)
Thanks all! I am glad to be getting positive comments on the story interludes as well, that was a more experimental decision and one I wasn't so sure of. Glad to hear it worked out well. Although also regarding that -- kinecturtle: the voices of the two humans were done by my brother and myself, which is probably why they sound similar. He did the "movie preview guy" intro and newscaster outro as well. Unfortunately I'm a little limited in terms of voice actors I know, though during the making of this album I did get ahold of a couple very talented folks who did some of the lines in the beginning of Commercial District, so if I ever attempt this sort of thing again there will probably be a lot more variation.
Thanks so much for the feedback!
9 Mar 22, 2011 1:56 am
Topic: Bit_Rat - Test Subject 2 (15 replies, posted in Releases)
A collection of melodic, guitar-embellished chiptunes with a conceptual narrative running throughout in the form of short interludes. Spent a good eight or so months working on this one, much obliged if you have a listen
Here's a track from it, posted to chipmusic!
Here's the full album!
10 Apr 29, 2010 1:18 am
Re: I Fight Dragons: Cool is Just a Number (39 replies, posted in Releases)
Completely putting aside how cool the band members may or may not be for a moment-- I find it a bit strange that lots of people into chiptunes insist that it's an instrument, not a genre, and that more bands should treat it that way, etc... and yet when a group like IFD comes along, they get tossed aside and have assessments like "they are not good" thrown at them like it's some sort of objective, conclusive fact.
I've only heard a few songs but I dig what I hear. I think it's pretty good music, whatever you wanna call it. Oh well. *Shrug*
11 Apr 20, 2010 4:23 am
Re: Test Subject (full-length) (17 replies, posted in Releases)
Bit_Rat wrote:Bump! This release is getting completely ignored over at 8bc. I didn't work a year on this to have it drop off everyone's radar so immediately-- help combat such injustices and give this album a jam!
It's 8bc, what did you expect?
Well, I'm not sure. It's just a mystery to me how the popular artists over there get popular in the first place! It's like you need to buy a special megaphone and all the other really good artists are just ignored as they scream their heads off.
12 Apr 17, 2010 1:58 pm
Re: Test Subject (full-length) (17 replies, posted in Releases)
Thanks Moldi! Just came here to post that myself
13 Apr 6, 2010 3:39 pm
Topic: Ant Attack OST (0 replies, posted in Releases)
This isn't exactly a new release-- the game this music was written for came out back in October of last year-- but this particular release of it definitely is. Netlabel Pterodactyl Squad contacted me recently about releasing this, and I was digging around and discovered two previously-unreleased tracks (Junkyard and Lake on the soundtrack) that were also written for unreleased levels at the time of the game's development.
Bit_Rat - Ant Attack OST on Pterodactyl Squad
If you enjoy this, please do check out my proper full-length album "Test Subject" and give it some love:
14 Apr 5, 2010 4:20 pm
Re: Test Subject (full-length) (17 replies, posted in Releases)
The opening track "Bait Thief" was apparently played on The Nerdy Show recently accompanied by some very, very kind words of praise from the hosts!
Listen to a crop of the segment here!
And of course, you can listen to the track in question here.
15 Mar 24, 2010 4:33 pm
Re: Test Subject (full-length) (17 replies, posted in Releases)
Bump! This release is getting completely ignored over at 8bc. I didn't work a year on this to have it drop off everyone's radar so immediately-- help combat such injustices and give this album a jam!
16 Mar 23, 2010 2:13 am
Re: [CDK 045] Dauragon C. Mikado - The Inner Workings (19 replies, posted in Releases)
You have tons of style! This is a really consistent release, got a really steady and strong mood throughout all the tracks. Real dark and badass. Nice work!
Knee Jerk might be my favorite one as well.