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Topics by jackary
Posts found: 113-128 of 172
Timbob wrote:well done! looks pretty cool.
Also: I'd like to know where you found those photo frames 
The photo frames were from Dick Smith electronics!
Check them out here.
There's other ones on ebay that are similar, although if you're gonna order them just for the mini b connector then you'd be better buying the connectors on their own. I got a pack of 10 for $1.17 on ebay haha!
Put these up on ebay man. You'll have short luck trying to sell them here since Luftek's released his DMG power adapters (which are much cheaper, too!).
Surely someone will pick them up on ebay!
Timbob wrote:The second one.
2 pots, with just one knob.
Awesome. I'm gathering parts to make a pocket amplifier - due to the fact my galaxy note 2's audio is quiet compared to iphones/ipods.
I'm going to see what i can do and maybe make an amplified mixer!
Timbob wrote:Basically, those are 2 pots on top of each other, so you use the top 3 pins for left, and the bottom for right. (Or the other way around, just what you want
I'm confused. Does it work as like audio balance between left and right?
Or does it work the same as having two separate pots, just with one control?
How many do you have in stock kitsch? Enough to wait two weeks till i get my next pay, you reckon?
I'm running out of money!
Im actually kinda sceptical. I've never seen or heard anything about the wood-coloured gameboy. No sites have any record, let alone mention this gameboy.. Who knows!
Theres plenty of pictures in the description!
Ive never heard of such a thing. I hope someone on the forums gets a hold of it.
SPORK94 wrote:How about some Circuit Bending kits I don't see many on the retailers
Non-electronics and Thursdaycustoms both stock them. So does GetLoFi.
I'd like to see kits including resistors/switches/pots/knobs. And it would be good to see somewhere else that stocked the LTC1799 board.
kitsch wrote:we're in the process, they just take a while to manufacture, not to mention the cost. so we're doing one color after another in succession (personal preference on the order). and two are in the process of being made right now, i got a sneak picture last week in fact 
What would we do without you, kitsch!?
bitjacker wrote:nobody makes red start and select buttons.
Custom coloured silicon start/select buttons are in high demand. I haven't come across ones other than the original grey / the translucent kitsch ones apart from dyed ones!
Perhaps 1/4" (6.5mm) stereo jacks aswell? There's not many vendors that sell them other than ebay!
I saw an awesome LSDJ keyboard that someone modded which had custom stickers for the caps. I need this in my life! Maybe you could get on that!
Timbob wrote:You forgot the switch for the original clock signal. If you disconnect the box, the gameboy will stop running...
DogTag wrote:And also, why do you want a switch in the box? It makes more sense to just connect the box to the DMG, then activate it by using the switch on the DMG...
You both raise valid points! I have to edit my design to use the variable clock v2 but that'll be nice and easy. Thanks guys
kitsch wrote:while supplies last!
orders of $50 or more are getting one of the limited edition pixel art stickers KeFF has done, we picked up a whole bunch of them as a reward of sorts and to encourage the pixelart stickers project!

As of when are you sending them out? I had a few things sent out the other day from you... Would hate to have missed out! How much are they to buy on their own?
kitsch wrote:the LCDs themselves are just about done (which is the overwhelming bulk of the hard part of the project), the PCB for it is awaiting the LCD, and then its the real crunch time getting everything integrated together. fun fun.
ok, i'll have a look at getting these remade! i need a way to connect the new front PCBs with the original backs, so needed to make this style 'cable' at some point anyways, so it works out all the same in the long run for me.
people will have to pop up the plastic frame from the PCB to do this, but it shouldn't be too big a deal I don't think. regardless, i've gotta do it, so yeah, i'll just get started on this right now and make them available individually and then i'll have them done later.
(strangely and awesomely), my ex-GF has offered to help me doing kitsch-bent stuff the rest of the weekend. its a great time to bust my ass and get stuff wrapped up and other things started. excited to have read this thread!
Awesome to hear! Glad i could help somehow 
One of the biggest problems with the current ribbon cables is that the plastic insulation is glued on really strongly and it's near impossible to strip it off without melting it. Perhaps finding a way to add another 21-pin socket to the front LCD - and then making the cable the same on both ends - would make things easier?
Posts found: 113-128 of 172 / Forums / Posts by jackary