Quick update (mainly just so you know I'm still alive ) Nio video this time, a new one is coming soon though
337 Sep 11, 2010 9:41 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
338 Sep 10, 2010 8:23 pm
Re: Sync-tendo (10 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Someone put out the Bat Signal for Batsly Adams.....
339 Sep 8, 2010 12:45 am
Topic: Ebay Advice (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I sold a Korg Triton sampler to someone on Ebay about a month ago. It was in perfect working order and I heard nothing negative from the guy at all until today where he is now claiming the display is dodgy and apparently it's always been dodgy but he "thought it would rectify itself".
I've already told him to FO (politely, of course) but he's obviously threatening to escalate it to a PayPal dispute.
Any advice? The claim is clearly BS - it did leave me in perfect working order and he didn't report (claimed) problems with it until a month after the auction had ended. I suspect he's either fucked it himself or he's now changed his mind about buying it and wants a refund. I even contacted him twice about leaving me feedback (he still hasn't) and have had no contact from him at all until today.
340 Sep 6, 2010 7:41 am
Re: Kick + Bass in LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Nothing to add and I'm not showing off (well, perhaps a little) but I'm glad to hear demand for absolute notes in Tables because Pulsar has them. I'm actually surprised that LSDJ doesn't. The problem for me when I looked at putting them into Pulsar was how to represent them in the Table given that;
00-7F = positive offset
FF-80 = negative offset
What I did was limit the positive and negative offsets to;
00-5F = positive offset
FF-B0 = negative offset
which gives you a range of (hex) 60 notes in either direction which more than exceeds the range of notes available.
I then use 60 to AF to represent absolute pitch, 60 being note 00, 6C being note 0C and so on.
Feel free to suggest it to Johan if you like the implementation.
341 Aug 31, 2010 7:57 am
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Songs : 1
Steps per Song : 40 (hex)----
eliminating objects you gain more space? although I believe that it is needed much more inevitably...
Pretty much all of the allocated space for (and the number of) objects is designed to be scalable.
It's pretty straightforward to, say, double the number of steps per song, but that extra 140 (hex) bytes has to come from somewhere - what would you sacrafice? Given that each Song step can contain one Chain that can contain 16 Patterns, a Song, even with the 8kb save file model, is 40 x 10 (hex) Patterns long. I know it's not ideal but it's usable. I think the number of Patterns and Tables is the more critical aspect but that's just my point-of-view.
It's all a juggling act at the moment and fairly arbitrary as 8kb is (hopefully) only a temporary memory model.
342 Aug 30, 2010 6:47 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I guess that would be quite useful.
I know next to nothing about java though
343 Aug 30, 2010 3:40 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I see this as more of a real time performance tracker than a tracker someone would want to use for game or demo development...
Sort of true, I guess. You'd definitely be hard pressed to do any sort of demo or game with the music taking about 4/5ths of the CPU time
But NSF export is a definite possibility. LIke I said earlier, there's no technical reason it can't be done as the format support higher-than-60hz refresh rates.
The bigger hurdle, I think, is somehow managing 32kb of music data in ROM. Though having said that, I'm going to have to split up the data into banks anyway as you can only access 8kb of SRAM at a time, even with a 32kb SRAM configuration.
344 Aug 30, 2010 3:36 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Would you be able to make a save file managment tool?
Possibly, what would you want it to do?
Also, I'd plan to have some kind of in-tool file management like LSDJ. But it depends on how much RAM space would be available. Song data does generally compress quite well and I've already got a compressor/decompressor from NTRQ.
345 Aug 30, 2010 7:51 am
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
no chance of this using a mapper that's currently supported by the PowerPak? if not, this would make it much less useful for myself and plenty of others (unfortunately).
OK, this is the situation.
I'm running it on PowerPak right now. I have to for testing purposes and it works fine. However, the amount of 'objects' is really limited;
Songs : 1
Steps per Song : 40 (hex)
Total Chains : 20 (hex)
Total Patterns : 20 (hex)
Total Instruments : 20 (hex)
Total Drumkits : 2 (12 samples each)
Total ADSR Envelopes : 20 (hex)
Total Tables : 10 (hex)
Total Vibratos : 10 (hex)
Total Duty Tables : 10 (hex)
The worst of these being the Patterns and Tables as while they are the most used, they are also the objects that take the most space :S
This is using 8kb save files. Using 32kb save files, as I intend once it has wider support, I'll obviously be able to multiply up a lot of those limits.
I have been in contact with Retro USB about adding support and I'm told that it can be done. It's just something I have no control over and I don't like to nag the guy so until I know otherwise it's a case of 'eventually'.
It may be the case that I'll end up releasing Pulsar using an 8kb save file memory model but I don't want to do that because any song files created using this are not going to be compatible when I eventually implement the 32kb memory model (it's not simply a case of scaling up the data sizes, the 32kb NVRAM is bank switched so I'll have to totally reconfigure the layout to work around this).
Beta testers, once I'm at that stage, will get a working, PowerPak-compatible, 8kb save file version.
347 Aug 27, 2010 2:08 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Will this be able to export to NSF, too?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: fuck NS-...... yeah, probably, at some point....
I was thinking about it the other day actually and there's no real reason it can't happen. The problem I can see though is that the actual music data is going to be pretty big so some deft bank handling/switching would be required.
For the sake of your sanity though, don't be waiting on this feature. It's a long way off.
348 Aug 27, 2010 12:49 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
After I posted the video last night I fixed (up) a few outstanding things. Wish I'd waited as they would've been good to show.
1) The maximum table speed was limited by the way I'd done the speed handling. I changed it all around so that tables can now run at 240hz too. That weird triangle sound can now be even weirder
2) The logic for random table jumps has been rewritten. You can now specify a range for the jump so "J49" would jump to a random table step between 4 and 9. It works really, really well now. The possibilities for tables has now multiplied. e.g create 3 different arpeggios in one table and randomly jump around between them while a note is playing. Or setup an arpeggio loop that is synced with the Pattern speed and on each step of the arpeggio put a random jump somewhere in the range;
Step Pitch Command
00 00 J03
01 04 J03
02 07 J03
03 0C J03
Put one note in the Pattern and for each step you'll get a random note from the major chord arpeggio. Nice!
Of course, doesn't need to be pitch offsets to create an arpeggio, you can put whatever commands you like on each step of the table.
3) The new Jxx command replaces the old Table Jump command. Originally I had Hxx (jump/hop) for Patterns and Jxx to do the same in Tables but now Hxx works in both Patterns and Tables whereas Jxx is now a dedicated random jumper for Tables. Much better
349 Aug 26, 2010 9:37 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Another video update with two videos! (Well, one that I had to split into two part because of the 15 minute YouTube limitation).
350 Aug 26, 2010 2:35 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Re. expansion chips etc.
I would really, really struggle to add anything extra to Pulsar. It's a constant juggling act - add a bit here, take a bit here. It really is running right on the edge of dying. I'll enable some colour changes on the screen for the next demo to show you how much of the CPU it is taking up
351 Aug 26, 2010 2:32 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Senior Baldwin... where do we send the money to buy you a beer for your greatness?
Well, the charity link is still active from when I set it up for NTRQ. Don't feel pressured to donate but I'd sure appreciate it, and feel appreciated, if you did. You can wait until Pulsar is released though - that's cool.
352 Aug 26, 2010 2:29 pm
Re: "Pulsar" demo (224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!
You OK there Proff?