Hi guys, I will be adding more screen covers as they become available. I will also be adding clear start and select and as new things become available add them too. Biverted and inverted screen type will be added also.
Essentially I never had a green, blue, white or clear play it loud to photograph at that time, that's why they're not there, I was also out of stock of clear white asm shells too lol.
I have had preloading images mentioned to me from 2 of my friends to the delay isn't as bad but I know what it is but have no clue how to put it on there. I understand it will improve the speed of transition. I'm not a web developer at all and have coded this in notepad lol.
In regards to the images, I had 32 DMGs to take photos of. I then dissected the photos into their constituent parts and this is what you get . With all the options I had at the time, there was over 250,000 combinations lol. So the reason the button change doesn't show through the case is simply that. I only cut the shape of the d pad because they were in different positions and it meant a clean edge to sit on the shell image. So yeah that's the best I could do in regards to that lol.
The reason I chose to keep the buttons as a set is because I only really sell them like that. I will often help someone out if I can but I don't want to be selling individual buttons all the time.
Overall thanks for the positive feedback! I know code wise it's not state-of-the-art but I'm quite happy with it for now. It gives me something to improve later on. Nitro if the offer is there on the coding side of things, I'd love a bit of help to improve it.