Saskrotch wrote:
The8BitMachine wrote:

whoa, whoa, whoa, you mean to say that there is an extra "audio in" pin?
hmmm, i must look into this.

whoa, whoa, whoa, you mean to say you needed help just figuring out the difference between LSDJ and Chip Maestro, and you think you're going to be doing something with that audio-in pin?



(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Oops.. I was wondering why nobody responded yet tongue
I ment €395, but my finger did €495...

So, Price updated.

Also, this machine will also be for sale soon, after I did some more pics and a video smile



(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Or maybe

Or one of the other carts from this list: … art-guide/


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Category wrote:

Do want. Don't trust. What do?

Go to sleep, try again tomorrow.


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah, so, today I'm playing defence. If this still stands tomorrow, I'll start throwing money.


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I saw it, but was scared it was an April fools joke...


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hello people of the internets!

I'm selling my Roland TR-626 which I modded and cased in a custom wooden housing.
Let's just start with some pics, shall we?

The patchpoints in the top-left connect to the main ROM, lots of bends possible there. Under those points, there are volumeknobs for all 8 channels, that go from mute, to normal to crunchy. next to that is a small patchbay. the switches on the bottom connect the middle point to either the left of the right (of the white and the red points), the knobs control the resistance between top&bottom left, and top&bottom right. (sounds complicated, I know, it's just some options to give you some control over the bends.

Then there are 8 inputs for each gate of the 8 channels. you can plug in points from the circuit bend points to override the samples, or you can plug in external audio to run through the gates of the 626 (incoming audio needs to be really loud tho)

under those 8 points are 8 switches to mute each channel.

Then there are 4 inputs in various points of the audio lines. which makes for different kinds of bassline madness and distorted audio. lots to experiment.

And at the bottom, 4 switches. Two different kinds of pitch bends, one auto-flam / echo bend. And one switch that sort of overrides the gates, which can give crunchy effects.

I made a quick video, but I dunno what happened there big_smile .. but the sound is ok. I'll export the video again tomorrow.

I'm asking €345,- for this thing. May sound like a lot, but there's lots of work in it, all by hand. And you get a machine with lots and lots of options.

If you have gear to trade, I may consider doing it with part money, part gear. I'm always looking for gameboys and drumcomputers. smile

If you have any questions / remarks / counteroffers : Let me know!

cheers, Timbob.

1: did you read the LSDJ manual?
2: where did you get the sav?
3: what kind of cart do you use?
4: which one is your favourite turtle?
5: is the save named the same as the rom?
6: are you using a demo version of lsdj?


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dire Hit wrote:
Timbob wrote:


Just finished this machine smile
It's a preset drum computer and sound bank (you can play drum sounds via Midi.)

The stick scrambles the rhythm, the points are all circuit bend points. The knob in the middle sends data signals from the red points to the line in for square wave bass sounds smile

It also looks like a face.

This is really neat.

Thanks smile
I'll make a vid of it soon, post it here.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just finished this machine smile
It's a preset drum computer and sound bank (you can play drum sounds via Midi.)

The stick scrambles the rhythm, the points are all circuit bend points. The knob in the middle sends data signals from the red points to the line in for square wave bass sounds smile

It also looks like a face.

Charge it in the sun during the day, play games at night...
Why not tongue

I'm not sure if it'll be strong enough, and if it'll last long enough, but I used some glow in the dark spray paint a while back and I was amazed with the amount of light that came out..

I think you should at least do it for the heck of it.

nitro2k01 wrote:
SketchMan3 wrote:

you can't ram rom, remy

Yes you can, lest we forget. … -released/

This patch is so good, i sometimes even use it without lsdj.


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

On my phone it opens in the ebay app, and i can see the listing just fine.. weird.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can't.
Since RCA only have one signal point and one point for ground it's impossible to send stereo (two signals) with one RCA..

You could send the signal from the RCA to the left and the right of the stereo jack, but it'll still be mono.