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Topics by RG
Posts found: 625-640 of 656
low-gain wrote:So lets get this straight..
set times are 30 mins. and you have to tear down and set up in that time too?
Well seeing as how there will be Gameboys I'd assume this shouldn't take more than 40 seconds. As for others, I hope they have it broken down to a science.
herr_prof wrote:b3ta- Personally I think you just Need to ignore those on this thread who probably won't even come to te show. This forum IS NOT the scene, and all this clatter is just bored trolling, and not serious comments worthy of your consideration,
I only referenced "the scene" because he mentioned doing something bigger for it in previous threads. I will be attending as I'm a big fan of E.S.C./A.G.M./Stagediver. Midwest represent.
And no, this is not clatter. There was a valid point just not in your favor. 
I digress.
No offense meant. It's just something that has irked some of us Mid-westerners for years.
It would be like a scheduled guitar solo competition at a show that only promoted drums.
Certainly one of the best old-school arcades I've ever played.
Make us fellow cheeseheads proud! /tearyeyes
Ty from what I understand is only playing chip-con. If you know of a way to transport his ass out there I'm sure you could make it an extra special WI Cheese and Beer edition.
Don't get me wrong, it's nice for what it is. However, it seems easy when you have people doing stuff like this:
l-artwork/ which would have fit better methinks.
Nevermind. It's not.
If the show focuses on progress then why do people keep self-referencing GBs? Can we throw a Nike symbol on there too?
With the exception of Ty, is everyone there using a Game Boy?
Just saying. 
b3tabot wrote:Chip-Con poster just released....

Please tell me this was an April Fool.

Thretris wrote:Dedicated to anyone who fake plays gameboys live;)

Leave Trash80 out of this.
low-gain wrote:akira^8GB wrote:This is pretty stupid, in case you didn't notice. 
Seriously.. people.. there is another forum on the internets for this kind of BS discussion.
This was started to keep the Chip-Con thread relevant. Let the chipcunters have their fun.
I hope you're not serious, because I'm not.
If this design sucks I'm making cooler, bootleg ones.
akira^8GB wrote:This is pretty stupid, in case you didn't notice. 
..and by "my own" I meant one for me.
Posts found: 625-640 of 656