Well, I'm not very good with icons to be honest... but here is your avatar

WOOOOT more animalstyle!
Downloading asap

Question: Will there be some sort of "likes" system?
(I know it's not up to me, but just saying... I'm against it if you want some input wink)


(7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

The logo should stay as "Leave your hairtunes and badly colored footwear at the door." for a good week or so lol


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nice picture but it needs more dmg in mouth

Also, now using the snow template, even though I have young eyes, it works alot better
Much less straining to do smile

trash80 wrote:

Whos online is bold, maybe ill just make it BIGGER

Hungry and must feed on page must grow must devour


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ah glad I posted this, thought I had almost everyone that played on my friends list or in a group, guess I was wrong

Also: Sabrepulse, it's funny to see some of the comments you get from fans. Such as "ur steam ratin is crap m8, srt it out. "


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I thought it would take hairtune at least a week or so to get here tongue

For some reason I got this great idea in my head
And well, here is the result
Hope you can use it LastKnight


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Mostly everybody lives middle to bottom
Very few people up at the top here


(43 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

inb4 tv death squad


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Rei Yano wrote:

HEY GUYZ oh wait nobody knows me.

bros for life remember?


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Don't worry I meant that in the most sarcastic of tones. But you have a good point.

Imo, just get Steve to change the name of the vent


(25 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)



(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

IAYD wrote:

The 8bitcollective vent server is just fine. Do we really need two of everything now?

you would say that.... [ADMIN] IAYD