Vince, the new EP fucking rules, man.
65 Aug 11, 2014 9:48 pm
Re: TWG's Goodbye Releases: TWG025| barbeque - transient portals (48 replies, posted in Releases)
66 Aug 7, 2014 5:57 am
Re: Cooshinator - Valuable Gem (2 replies, posted in Releases)
Great record man.
67 Jul 29, 2014 7:14 am
Re: Glen Eyrie - Eyr Head (6 replies, posted in Releases)
Ah this is good stuff.
68 Jul 8, 2014 12:03 am
Re: Any guys from JAPAN here? (Help! ;) ). (32 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Ooooo very nice, I hear the indie music scene in Japan is incredible, go check out a show if you can/feel inclined to! As well as the arcades, of course. Also, I think 72,000 yen is roughly = to $750 USD? For 5 days that should be enough, just pace yourself. Japan is an expensive country.
Happy trails!
69 Jul 7, 2014 11:59 pm
Re: KIDS REACT TO GAMEBOY (44 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yeah, this video is just...
Well, it made me feel old as hell, that's for sure!
70 Jun 27, 2014 6:27 pm
Re: Wanting to get into making 8-bit, I have no clue what I am doing (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Seconding what an0va and kitsch have already said. Have plenty of patience and practice a lot. It will be VERY frustrating at times but once you get past the learning curve of LSDJ (or trackers in general), it will indeed be very rewarding. Study the LSDJ manual thoroughly.
Also, BACK UP YOUR SAVES. This should be obvious but I don't think it can be stated enough.
On the flip side, there is always the option of using plug-ins with your DAW (Pro Tools, Logic (for Mac), Ableton, FL, etc) instead of a tracker.
In any case, welcome to the mad house. Godspeed
71 Jun 17, 2014 1:00 am
Re: What platform should the next version of Rhythm Core Alpha be on? (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I vote for SNES as well
72 Jun 15, 2014 5:57 am
Re: How did you guys choose your stage name? (94 replies, posted in General Discussion)
DBOYD = Don't Blink or You'll Die.
I wanted to pick a name that resembled not taking life and it's many experiences for granted, ever. Don't Blink or You'll Die was what I came up with. It sounds kind of desperate to me at times, like the "or You'll DIE" part. But I'm also a nervous and anxious wreck at times, so it fits with my personality. Whatever.
Most everyone I come in contact with pronounces it D-Boyd, which is mildly frustrating, but I can't complain too much I guess.
Contrary to some popular belief, it is NOT A DOCTOR WHO REFERENCE. I've never even seen a single episode of the series before.
So yeah
73 Jun 5, 2014 11:41 pm
Re: Favorite Live Performance (23 replies, posted in General Discussion)
danimal cannon wrote:3rded, just got chills watching that. So glad I got to experience it TWICE last year
Likewise! Awesome shit.
Damn, y'all beat me to it.
Yeah, this video is phenomenal. I can only imagine what it was like to ACTUALLY be there. Mind-blowing.
74 Jun 4, 2014 5:00 am
Re: [Evansville, IN] Little Sound Assembly (Aug 8-9) (53 replies, posted in Past Events)
Artist submissions are closed at this time. We have more artists than we have time for now, haha. It looks like it's going to be a much more amazing event than I ever expected. Look to see the full line-up posted this weekend. It makes me pretty sad to have to turn people away at all, but I couldn't secure a third day this time. Hopefully, if this goes well, it could become an annual thing!
Awesome! Very excited for you guys! Congrats
75 Jun 4, 2014 4:59 am
Re: [US, Cincinnati, OH] BRKfest 2014 - July 25, 26, 27 (35 replies, posted in Past Events)
76 Jun 2, 2014 3:18 am
Re: Limited run of NES carts. (43 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Yes, but not as eaily as LSDj. The SRAM in any NES cart may be accessed via the cart edge and there are many hardware solutions for backing up software. Solutions such as:
Retrode: (sold out)
CopyNES: ucts_id=36
DIY:, DSC's carts contain a secondary battery holder in parallel with the first battery. This allows for two things 1. hot swapping batteries without the loss of save files or 2. installing 2 batteries at once for double the lifespan.
Cool, thank you for the links. I will certainly be considering a purchase one of the Pulsar carts, hopefully before it's sold out.
Really love this idea, DSC.
77 Jun 2, 2014 2:07 am
Re: Limited run of NES carts. (43 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Sorry if this is a totally n00by question, but is it possible to back up .sav files from Pulsar onto your computer, in at least a similar method to LSDJ? Being the "LSDJ of the NES" and all, wanted to see if it's possible, and how to go about doing it. I'm using a Mac.
That's probably the only thing that's stopping me from yelling SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, at this point.
78 Jun 1, 2014 10:44 pm
Re: [Evansville, IN] Little Sound Assembly (Aug 8-9) (53 replies, posted in Past Events)
…I wish I could ask to be considered but I don't even want to look at the flight costs as i know it'll be huge
DITTO. I don't know for you in the UK, man, but roundtrip flights from OKC to there is nuts. $510 is the cheapest I found. Just ridiculous.
edit: that being said I don't want to be a downer or anything. I'm just wishing I could be there, because this looks like a hella good time Brk legs.
79 May 31, 2014 9:54 pm
Re: shintarou - wise eyes (6 replies, posted in Releases)
Dude, PLEASE do a "with heart" revisited or something. It is absolutely gorgeous.
Great work man
80 May 27, 2014 1:36 am
Re: 4mat - "Nadir" (22 replies, posted in Releases)
holy shit!
^^^^ THIS.
Seriously, DAMN this is awesome