I have been using the renoise generate custom wave tool to create single cycle waves for use in LGPT but they will not load into an instrument slot.
They are very small 16bit .wav files. All of these samples play normally in winamp but after I try to import the samples in LGPT the text in the instrument screen remains as "null".
I need to make sure that my SCW samples are at a perfect C3 because I want to use LGPTs unique features (tables etc.) to create sound effects and sequences to import into sunvox songs as samples...and afterwards play guitar to those sunvox songs..they all must be in tune with each other.
I have also exported all the .wavs from the CHIP INSTRUMENTS folder which is included in renoise. Some of them will load in LGPT, some of them wont. I'm really not sure why. Its quite frustrating.
Could anyone tell me exactly what kind of samples does LGPT require?