Thanks for your replys peeps.
I already have a working frontlight stolen from a AGS-001 with broken display.
Another one will arrive soon. Got each for about 5€.
Also I searched for a replacement display for the GBA SP because the rest still works and they might get repaired.
And I wouldn´t be cannabalizing it, cause I feel like I am a human being not like a Gameboy ;-) and I am above it on the food chain. (taking a bite SP)
First of all it depends on the pricing. I have already mailed him and asked if he would do such things for me.
He said yes but couldnt tell me a price. I will clarify that.
After that I thought why not also cut the case.
I was just googling "cutting perspex" (actually I was googling "plexiglas schneiden")
and I found some people recommending lasercutting.
I don´t want to use an electric saw.
My first idea was to cut it with a scalpel several times.
And then I need to sand it to keep away unwanted reflections of light.
Where I read about laser cutting perspex the advantage is that the edges will have clean cuts.
Jazzmarazz, are you shure I need a reflective film for this mod or what do you mean? I am not a native english speaking person I may not understand everything.
thursdaycustom, I don´t get it right. Do you advise me against cutting with lasers or do you mean this way I can avoid
harming the perspex while cutting it with lasers?