
(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh man was Ultra64 a code name for N64 before it came out? or is it something i forgot about

also lol at 32X being listed alongside the other systems, shit was 20 bucks new at the end of it's life span!

pouet has a bunch of dos trackers, go to http://pouet.net/prodlist.php set type to demotool, platform to ms-dos (the links are too messy for BBCode)


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

wait, but

if the issue is a site making it 128kbps for streaming anyways, won't it just make a 128kbps mp3 of a 128kbps mp3? do they have it set up to not re-encode a 128kbps mp3?


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

slato wrote:

(128kbps CBR)

2002 called and asked you to catch up

haha i really just examined that typo. Sa Bear Pulse

anyway, good luck at copying your favorite artists

wow of all the breaks in the god damn world to ask a chip forum about. it should've at least been the think break or tighten up.

edit: though i will say it sounds like an amen combined with a soul pride


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so do you guys report her to the websites she's putting the shit on? or to the artists she's ripping off? cause it always seems like people just talk shit on a forum without doing anything


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

fair enough


(26 replies, posted in Releases)

Frostbyte wrote:

Lol a two track single

Frostbyte wrote:

Holy god, this is tasty!

thats why you dont talk shit about oxygenstar's methods, ever.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

why is it "POCKET"?

i hope you guys get blip flu in your dicks

:pouts at home:

an example of irony would be if the terrible acts in those commercials actually ended up going platinum this year

what do you think irony means?


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

and while on the subject of lesser known gba music programs that i never really got around to fully checking out: there's also Ditty Editor for GBA
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=31794 (i might have this and boyscout mixed up in my head)


(12 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

yeah you might as well get one of them steam powered organs traveling circuses used to use so people could hear the shit for miles