(42 replies, posted in Other Hardware)



(42 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

he's getting some swing from what he's clocking it with..

yah i'm wanting one of these more and more..

it would be pretty fun to pan everything hard left then pan hard right a click track to clock the monotribe..

Updated flyer

Electric Children had to pull out

BFAD knows more than me.

personally i blame ovenrake


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'm infradead


(42 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

read this on another forum i frequent where someone got one

Ok, well temptation got the better of me and I opened it up, looks ripe for modding, easy enough room to add some extra mini jacks along the side or front, easy to take apart the thing thanks to some ribbon cables, labels on main PCB for:

HH decay
HH out
SD noise out
SD noise decay
SD frame out
BD out
BD decay

Quite cool.

There is also a unused header on the PCB labelled serial and some more marked points, one of which says reset hmmm.....

Think this thing will be good for modding once the schematics appear hihi


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh good to know  >_<

kineticturtle wrote:

If you're anywhere near Seattle and you don't check out this bomb-ass show at a bomb-ass place, you're a straight foo, yo.

Also while you're there check if there are still spots of Lizzie's blood on the stage from when we were there last.

my kinda joint

i can almost totally guarantee that i'm not going to have nanovoice and a modular synth....

yup  totally almost kinda sortta

whats the problem?

i like the noise.  i embrace the noise.

go all in the box if you want shit perfect.  otherwise just learn to embrace and work with it..

i've had a set ruined in my opinion because i used a friends prosounded gameboy and didn't have all the noise to work with...


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh hey.

i used to try and be cool then i had a kid and am so busy..


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i can fight werewolves and vampires with my gameboy nao

I would just like to add that IAYD is no trent reznor


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

thanks heart


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/4040/ … ost-rules/


(9 replies, posted in Collaborations)

seriously though hook me up


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)
