(12 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

akira^8GB wrote:
calmdownkidder wrote:


+1, probably the best suggestion James has made.



not playing really any multiplayer games until Crackdown 2 drops


(47 replies, posted in Trading Post)

no monies :'(


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

email lists can be gold. 

at the end of the show announce you have a email list and give away some swag if possible.  shirts drink tickets whatever. 
tell em you're going to offer a discount if they print out the flyer and bring it to the show.   odds are they'll forward it to their friends.  try and get a drink special for the night from the venue.  make sure its on the email.


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

m0d wrote:

Feel free to borrow suitable bits from http://misc.m0d.info/rules/lobby.html

oh thanks!

mod huddle time!


(19 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Saskrotch wrote:

i just cant get behind digital reverb. it always sounds mad corny to me

so you have a 5'x8' steel plate hanging in your room for that sweet plate verb sound?

akira^8GB wrote:

This could have been discussed in the other thread hmm
For the record, most times she says "chiptune". Then I whip her back and hit her hands with a belt, while waterboarding her while screaming " IT'S CHIPMUSIC!!!!!!!!"

She had bad tutors, not her fault tongue

yah i know but i wanted to make a new one.

makes a note to never ever call 8GB chiptune, you never know when they're listening

how does your significant others descirbe your music to thier friends?
i made a thread about this.  we all know how we talk about our own music.  but how to we talk about it to others?

this thread got me thinking
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/249/w … do-you-do/

yah we all discribe our music.

but how do our significant others do it?

my wife struggles.  she usually just says he makes music with gameboys.  then gives up when they ask what kind of music.

i do ambient drones using a game boy as my main sound source.  i try not to say chiptunes as i doubt anyone would call the majority of my nanovoice stuff chiptune, the nanoloop stuff may be suspect as well.

if people want to geek out and get technical i'll talk to them about audiomulch or making audio effects patches in my micro mods.


(8 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)


also you should add low-gains midi->GB since it has a pair of midi thru's unlike the orginal firesARTer design


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

cool heart cool


(38 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

ohhhh..   new toy to play with.   nice

George wrote:

I think he wants to marry the forum.
I have to say, it's nice and sexy, so it's understandable...I guess.


can i give away the bride (CDK)?


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

cool heart O<