(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

steam OS when it comes out.. thats what ill be saving for... terraria, minecraft, team fortress, borderlands.... ugh so many good titles plus they announced third party consoles and you know alienware will do one.. not that imma buy it but it gives you an idea what it could become.. it will truly bridge the gap between pc/tv/console...


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

lol nice

my bad ill be deleting those pix in 20 for obvious reasons

PS: kitsch u got a rap record coming out or something? lolz

yea i cant drive for medical reasons otherwise id have an audi they are beautiful

sxe_weekend wrote:
Puke_Flytalker wrote:

dude for something like a flash cart its not because you are going to make the money anyway..

and like i said you are just trolling me because you dont agree with my opinion

You are not going to make the money anyway?  In the scenario you made where it's better to pay less for a mass produced knock off yeah krikkzz won't be making money because of attitudes like yours where you don't give two fucks about the R&D that he puts into his work.  The reason the carts are "expensive" in the first place is that they take time, money, and resources and the price reflects that.  You are basically saying you don't give a shit about all the work Krikkzz put into making the cart in the first place and would rather give your money to someone pirating his efforts.

i was saying that to be a dick really im not looking to get into circuitry ive already got enough on my plate... the only circuit board im concerned with is the DNA20

you would own apple products now i see why you are so argumentative


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(147 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

mario paint is like labsound or pocket music its only like halfway there..

dude for something like a flash cart its not because you are going to make the money anyway..

and like i said you are just trolling me because you dont agree with my opinion

also i dont use e-cigs inside of public places because of the psychological trigger of seeing the "smoke" which is really vapor and i also dont use the ones that have lights on them.. fuck off most people who vape hate the lights... this is the mod i use:

and yes i pulled this off of a google search because i dont have a photo available also i use a different type of atomizer on it:

^^^example of what i said in my last post

dude what ever you are just trying to illicit an emotional response out of me at this point... at least im doing something good for people and helping them quit a bad habit...


(52 replies, posted in Trading Post)

lol mix people up thats what i get for skimming

12ianma wrote:

So basically you never did anything useful in life and were a stoner. Seems legit to argue with the uneducated and disrespectful. why don't you educate yourself on making an sd loading flash cart and report back when you can do so, then maybe I'll listen to your argument. in such a tight market a knockoff can destroy it.

In large scale economics your statement would be true. but we are talking about a tiny very specific group of people. And like nitro said this is an R and D argument not production costs. I pray for a day when you spend your time to earn zero revenue but I doubt you will amount to enough to produce more than an internet flame storm.

Also I apologize to everyone else as this guy got me biting the troll bait hard. I just hope most of you understand why it's so offensive

anything useful?? are you trolling? i am a member of mensa and even tho this doesnt seem like a big thing but ive transitioned over 70 people in person and over the internet of of cigarettes and onto cessation devices or quitting all together... im obsessed with organic chemistry and how the receptors of the brain handle different alkaloids such as  phenethylamines and tryptamines.. circuitry isnt my thing but if you want me to give it a shot im sure i could have the whole everdrive line cloned and sell it for half the price... the group of people you call specific isnt exactly specific as i was just naming the occult users of the product.. you can go ahead and make judgements on me and my opinions that i type at 86 words per minute or you can get off of your high horse and stfu and just accept reality.. retro gaming isnt as underground as you think its just most people dont obsess with it they just want to play the games so posting on forums isnt really common practice no matter what system you are on...

sxe_weekend wrote:

comparing mass produced items like e-cigs vs the very niche market of flash carts that are usually one man operations with lots of technical details to be worked out is pretty far out there.  in the case of flash carts we have one person spending their own time, money, and knowledge to bring us a product that not only works but is made to work as close to 100% identical to the real thing in regards to sound quality, compatibility, and overall build quality.  honestly hoping that their efforts get ripped off by some black market profiteer for you own gain shows a total lack of respect for the people that are even making this hobby possible.

i paid a lot of money for the mechs i have all were over *** and limited run.. look into the e cig world especially mechs they are not cheap nor are they mass produced