I have white in one of mine its great for gigs as it stands out well against any coloured stage lighting they might have going on

I'm interested shall I PM you? And would you be able to ship to the UK if I paid for shipping?


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

I will listen to this asap.. Loved your last stuff so I dont doubt this will be great too!

Is any if this still available? Particularly nanoloop carts


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Has this been sold?

Cheers for you help guys so far! I should probably have mentioned I'm attempting to do this on a mac

I'm looking to write a patch on puredata that will automatically push/activate designated keys on my keyboard in reaction to sound levels from my 'line in' (from my gameboy) that are then sent to a NES emulator running glitchnes. For sound reactive glitchyness

I thought it would work quite well as a visualiser for live streaming audio and/or live shows.

I'm really struggling to get started with this and I'm not sure where to look for help, so any assistance/pointers/patches would be greatly appreciated!



If anyone is still interested in coming I can get you on the door list to you can get in for advance price!
Tickets are also available online!
http://talkingheads.vticket.co.uk/produ … ts-rebirth

J3WEL from the Jewelbag monster in Dragon Warrior monsters.. I put so many hundreds of hours into that game. Not sure why I chose that monster in particular as I never used it but I like its sprite design ahah

16 Days till our back to back set from Knuckle Joe and Hurrigame Boy!

Who's coming down?!?

stargazer wrote:

Seconded here.

Also, would love to hear from Kitsch or ASM about a run. Otherwise, would we be interested in a group order of pcbs and roms?

Yep pls

I will definitely take one if it gets put into production \m/

DBOYD wrote:
J3wel wrote:

…I wish I could ask to be considered but I don't even want to look at the flight costs as i know it'll be huge sad

DITTO. I don't know for you in the UK, man, but roundtrip flights from OKC to there is nuts. $510 is the cheapest I found. Just ridiculous. sad

edit: that being said I don't want to be a downer or anything. I'm just wishing I could be there, because this looks like a hella good time smile Brk legs.

Its about $2,000 return with the cheapest hotel I could find.. can probably get it cheaper still but the number is WAY to high sad

But yay for streaming heart

…I wish I could ask to be considered but I don't even want to look at the flight costs as i know it'll be huge sad


(5 replies, posted in Past Events)

PM me the details man and I'll check it out


(5 replies, posted in Past Events)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

come to Spain and take us fujis

If theres a show I can attend/be considered to be perform at then sure that definitely sounds like a plan to me at some point \m/