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(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just want to chime in here - I have been using the 4.7.3 MIDI-friendly ROM for a few months now, and holy crap, you can use LSDJ to do so many things. I'll have a series of posts and tutorials soon!


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The donation for LSDJ is just suggested, it *is* possible to download the full version fairly for free. And since krikzz's a developer and not a composer I think that's a fine route for him to take.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@herrprof the csrt supports MBC5. It should be set to that, but then again would the MBC3 vs MBC5 difference be enough to throw up a memory error like that?

Chances are krikzz did not test this with LSDJ, I have noticed he doesn't seem to care much about compatibility with non-commercial ROMs judging by his work with the MegaDrive.

A Teensy Boy or prebuilt USB Boy works with a modified DMG07 cable when it comes to LSDJ slave, MGB, and LSDJ LiveMap modes on your Teensy device. I personally use a splitter built by Justin Thursday so I can use 2 GBC's in my setup, and I know anthony can make you some wonderful gear as well smile

I'd say rock the DMG07 adapter, and if you need to sync more Gameboys, you can always daisy chain a second modified DMG07 in wink


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Reactions at Moogfest to the kitsch-bent booth was overwhelming on so many levels. Everyone was interested and excited about chipmusic, be it analog gearheads or casual non-musician folks wandering through. I will say that we opened a lot of doors for opportunity, collaboration, and business. smile will post with kitsch in the Moogfest thread in detail about this later.

herr_prof and nitro2k01 for being dry enough to make others bite the pillow and learn a thing or two


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SNES buttons (dpad and SS if I recall) are bigger than NES/DMG buttons.


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Could this info be moved or mirrored to the kk_gb_8m thread since it would be good to know this in the future? smile And gosh, has any retailer actually received and shipped out their krikzz carts yet? I wanna see a video review before I take the plunge.

@herrprof - my Numark X6 works fine with unamped signals, amped signals, and line level stuff on its aux in.


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:

yep.  it was done with the audio input pin (Vin in pandocs) on the edge connector in mind, so is mono you'll notice too.  however, the way the cart is designed it could be routed wherever you'd like really, not just through the console.  would need amped

For those of you who rock 2xLSDJ setups and/or use DJ mixers, the AUX in channel featured on some mixers would be EXCELLENT for this.


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Curious, what will the cartridge case situation be? smile


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Rather than MIDI sync I'd recommend you sync the APC 500 by ear, or nab yourself an Arduinoboy with multiple ins and outs.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Paint it gold and backlight it. And bump the price to $80.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The problem is most likely the USB cable you are using, not the connector itself.

Look for sellers who have PSP's with broken UMD disc drives. I got a 1000 and a 2000 with non-functioning disc drives for $10 each from a local game store. May want to check ebay for some of these specimen.

Since homebrew-enabling a PSP no longer requires use of a game exploit, just a Memory Stick Pro Duo (or a microSD to memory stick adapter with a microSD card) and some signed eboot files, you might as well give the "crippled" models a look too.

Here are a few things I have learned since getting the 1000 and 2000:
- be careful about what kind of TV out cable you get for the 2000, one of them is only good for a few games, the other kind is compatible with all games and operations (read reviews on Amazon to know what's good)
- be mindful that despite the PSP 1000 being cheaper, the 2000 has a better screen, size, battery life, and more RAM (2x as much, big deal for Piggy). Try getting an OEM PSP 1000 battery and sticking it in a 2000 with a matching bigger battery cover. The 1000 battery is 1800mAH while the stock slim is 1200mAH. You get 50% more life, roughly. Stay away from the "extended life" battery kit, the lithium ion cells in those have not aged gracefully and have exploded in the 2 cases I own, as well as the ones new-in-box online. Avoid it, you will be shelling out for a garbage product.

- look into getting a PSP camera because it is really quite good and can be found for $10 or less. Convenient to have for recording sounds to use in Piggy or for the sake of having.

- the microSD-to-Memory-Stick-Pro-Duo adapter I have mentioned can be found in 2 flavors, one that accepts a single microSD card and one that accepts two cards at a time (there's a catch). Due to Sony keeping their foot on the gas with MS Pro Duo prices, look into these adapters especially if you have a spare microSD card or two. Be aware that the 2 card adapter likes to operate only when there are 2 cards in use and in their proper slots. It also helps to use cards whose sum of memory equals a power of 2 (8gb + 4gb isn't a good fit, 8gb + 8gb is, etc). Be wary of slightly slower transfer speeds and a slower loading XMB menu ( we are talking an extra 3 seconds at bootup) if you have tons (32 gb) of memory.

The PSP is a great songwriting tool, and it is very affordable to pimp it out with a better battery, video out, more storage, and plugins to make it more of a powerhouse than you would expect.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Also, about "making mGB play nice with LSDJ" it refers to multi-ROM carts like the EMS 64 cart which allow for multiple ROMs to be launched but has only one set of SRAM bank. mGB writes some saved presets to SRAM normally, and can potentually interfere with LSDJ savedata. Nitro's work makes this a nonissue.