
Unfortunately that's really not the case in here.. Well I gues I have to do a little bit more research. The prices here are pretty much like this: DMG (normally) = 40-70€ and GBC (normally) = +10-40€. So modding the DMG isn't my first option.

H0bla wrote:

There's a very little discussion about GBA in these type of forums. Why's that? Does anyone one use them to make music and if not, what's the reason?

There's not a lot of good software for making music on the GBA, and the GBA and GBA SP models have a slightly different sound than the DMG and CGB, so it's not "for everyone." Some people, such as Auxcide, Russellian, and Solarbear use SPs though, but they also use DMGs.

UK, Leicester
kitsch wrote:

i'm under the impression a DMG will typically always be cheaper than a CGB, perhaps thats not the market everywhere though

It's certainly not the case over here, DMGs are about £15-£17 whereas CGBs are like £6-£8, although you can pick 'em up for poscket change at carboot sales. This is why I have one DMG, and 4 CBGs. And H0bla, don't get too caught up in modding your console, just learn the software first, get comfortable using it before you buy and mods or anything like that. It would be terrible if you wasted a lot of money on a console you decide you don't like.

New Albany Indiana

Any one discussed the possibilities of "Emulators"?

New Albany Indiana

Oh, and there ar'nt much tutorials on RCA pro sound, 1/8" prosound is the main one you want to get though, heck, first 5 month of my tracking i used just the stock jack. If you invest in a DMG, you wont get a bad out come. If i were you, i wouldn't worry about any mods or special gear yet, just get LSDj, Gba, Sp, gbc, heck, even use an emulator, and just start tracking to get some experience. I used a gba till 4 months ago.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not worrying about mods and stuff like that too much at the moment. I just wanted to ask these things before I get any console. Cause later on _if_ I want to mod it, it should be possible. And as I said, I'm an electrician. So doing that kind of easy mods like Pro Sound is "walk in the park". I think im gonna get GBC's cause I can get 2-3 of those in a price of 1 DMG and there dont seem to be big differences in sound comparing to DMG. I think im gonna get 2 because I want to have an extra if the mod fails.

@ Alpine, the Pro Sound mod doens't cost too much. So I might wanna test it out just for fun.

@ Bit Wish, I get your point. Im gonna try to get LSDj soon so I can get started. But as I said before, it's not too easy to get those Flash Cards and stuff like that in here.. So I need to wait few weeks to get even started..

New Albany Indiana
H0bla wrote:

@ Bit Wish, I get your point. Im gonna try to get LSDj soon so I can get started. But as I said before, it's not too easy to get those Flash Cards and stuff like that in here.. So I need to wait few weeks to get even started..

You should download bgb and i can pm you my lsdj log on code if you want.

UK, Leicester
H0bla wrote:

Don't get me wrong. I'm not worrying about mods and stuff like that too much at the moment. I just wanted to ask these things before I get any console. Cause later on _if_ I want to mod it, it should be possible. And as I said, I'm an electrician. So doing that kind of easy mods like Pro Sound is "walk in the park". I think im gonna get GBC's cause I can get 2-3 of those in a price of 1 DMG and there dont seem to be big differences in sound comparing to DMG. I think im gonna get 2 because I want to have an extra if the mod fails.

@ Alpine, the Pro Sound mod doens't cost too much. So I might wanna test it out just for fun.

@ Bit Wish, I get your point. Im gonna try to get LSDj soon so I can get started. But as I said before, it's not too easy to get those Flash Cards and stuff like that in here.. So I need to wait few weeks to get even started..

I was more on about how much a DMG would cost, not a prosound mod. Oh and as someone who uses a CGB to track, the sound quality isn't as good.

Bit wish wrote:
H0bla wrote:

@ Bit Wish, I get your point. Im gonna try to get LSDj soon so I can get started. But as I said before, it's not too easy to get those Flash Cards and stuff like that in here.. So I need to wait few weeks to get even started..

You should download bgb and i can pm you my lsdj log on code if you want.

DON'T do this. If you want to do what I did starting out (trying out LSDJ the right way and still keeping my first tracks) check this out:

Download the demo here. … You can buy the software for a small donation at when you are ready (as little as $0.01 USD will get you the software). It's easiest to run the software in BGB until you buy a flashcart, if you want to buy one. Until then, you can have different demo files for each song, each with their own save states (since you can't save the songs to a battery file). Later when you download and pay for the real ROM with saving, you can load up the save states on top of the paid ROM, save the song data, and keep your first songs. You can extract and consolidate these songs into a single save file using LSDManager. … n=2&q= it is a little time consuming but well worth it if you are looking to keep your first instruments and other things you may have learned or created through LSDJ.

Don't use someone else's copy of LSDJ, buy it for yourself if you can. If you choose to accept Bit Wish's offer, that's up to you. The method I have suggested for you is how I got started with LSDJ. It's not the only way to start, but it definitely skirts around the "no illegal sharing" clause. Good luck, PM me if you would like more help getting set up.

New Albany Indiana
thebitman wrote:
Bit wish wrote:

You should download bgb and i can pm you my lsdj log on code if you want.

DON'T do this. If you want to do what I did starting out (trying out LSDJ the right way and still keeping my first tracks) check this out:

Download the demo here. … You can buy the software for a small donation at when you are ready (as little as $0.01 USD will get you the software). It's easiest to run the software in BGB until you buy a flashcart, if you want to buy one. Until then, you can have different demo files for each song, each with their own save states (since you can't save the songs to a battery file). Later when you download and pay for the real ROM with saving, you can load up the save states on top of the paid ROM, save the song data, and keep your first songs. You can extract and consolidate these songs into a single save file using LSDManager. … n=2&q= it is a little time consuming but well worth it if you are looking to keep your first instruments and other things you may have learned or created through LSDJ.

Don't use someone else's copy of LSDJ, buy it for yourself if you can. If you choose to accept Bit Wish's offer, that's up to you. The method I have suggested for you is how I got started with LSDJ. It's not the only way to start, but it definitely skirts around the "no illegal sharing" clause. Good luck, PM me if you would like more help getting set up.

You dont even have to donate if you want to get it legally, there is no minimal. Is there really any difference from using the demo version from the official version? Your actually telling him to do exactly what i am.


No, I am not telling him to do exactly what you are doing. Mother of god, you are like 15 and you just want to feel like you know something and you HURT this scene by spreading misinformation.

The demo ROM is free because it will not save songs to SRAM. It will not save a battery file, so it forces users to either fork out some money for a donation (minimum $0.01 according to the LSDJ site) or to use savestates and not be able to retain savedata on Gameboy hardware. The paid/donated version features saving to SRAM, and is capable of saving songs on hardware. If you read on the LSDJ site you would know that. If you read what people actually wrote you would be faring better in this scene.

H0bla wrote:

and there dont seem to be big differences in sound

I found there is a difference.  Especially when recording.  For some reason GBC always sounds terrible when I record.  A lot of hiss.  GB Pocket sounds slightly better when I record but not much.  DMG definitely sounds best though.  I write using a Pocket (because of the portability and great battery life) but I only record and do shows with a regular DMG.

That's just from my own experience though. Everyone has a differing opinion.

UK, Leicester
thebitman wrote:

No, I am not telling him to do exactly what you are doing. Mother of god, you are like 15 and you just want to feel like you know something and you HURT this scene by spreading misinformation.

No need to mention the age of him, no need. But yeah, I agree with you, up until that bit it is.


@ Bit Wish, I think im gonna go with demo version until I get the console and flash cart. Thank you anyways! smile

@ Alpine, got it. Thank you for the sound quality info.

@ thebitman, i might pm you when I have time to try out the demo and I run into probs..

@ nerdsome, Thank you for the info. I finally got answers i really wanted.

Does anyone have personal experience of recording with GBA SP? I got deal today from work. I could change my old Xbox that I don't need, for 2 GBA SP's.

UK, Leicester
H0bla wrote:

Does anyone have personal experience of recording with GBA SP? I got deal today from work. I could change my old Xbox that I don't need, for 2 GBA SP's.

Sound quality is ok but it's always quite quiet which is one of the main problems with it. From what I remember it's a little fuzzy, but that isn't to noticeable. I would record a comparison between DMG and SP, but I can't for the life of me remember where I left my adapter, I was using it yesterday as well...

H0bla wrote:

Does anyone have personal experience of recording with GBA SP? I got deal today from work. I could change my old Xbox that I don't need, for 2 GBA SP's.

The GBA SP's sound is pretty comparable to the DMG's. It's not very different at all (some people say it sounds less "warm,") check it out here I used a GBA SP for a while, it sounded fine. I prefer my DMG, but not by much. Given, the sound varies a bit because the CPU type is different than what was used in the DMG but I find it fine except with complex WAV channel patterns.

Last edited by thebitman (Feb 6, 2013 8:02 pm)