
Hi Fellow chiptuners and oldschool gamers!

It seems that I found a very interesting new place to find inspiration and share my own personal world of sounds.
I am Carf (or Carfie, or Carf Darko, depends on the mood) a 31 year old(school) gamer/producer/gametester from Leiden (former Amsterdam, only a month ago ;p) and I would love to share my personal collection of crazy chiptunes.
I am a creative producer for 16+ years by now and a gamer for 28+ and it seems that these numbers will only go up as I do not see any reason to stop making music. Although my big friend the universe made it pretty hard for me the past 2 years... I lost hearing in my left ear due to an infection and now I only got my right ear to tell me if the awesomenes which I try to create is awesome enough to give it the 100% Carf seal of awesomeness.

Due to these issues I totally quit making Dance and other styles of music 2 years ago and completely went into Chiptunes, this due to the fact that I am missing to much frequencies and I do not feel the same love for dance music anymore.
Since I started to create Chiptunes I do feel that a complete new world opened up to me, a world with fewer rules and guidelines and a much more open minded audience.

My music is mostly very rock stylisch, fast paced and with a crazy mix of sounds. Always something going on in the background (which most people discover after their first listen) and I always try to come up with something original. Love doing crazy things like making epic breaks.
My tools are FL-Studio including a bunch of crazy VST's. Its all about the end result.

So far my music has been picked up by IGN's podcast Beyond (episode 248), I helped out Matpat with Gametheory and I am the resident producer for RetroReview (facebook retro game page). But my hunger aint satisfied yet. I hope to find a bigger audience by visiting places like these and hope to find fresh inspiration for even more crazy songs!

Keep up the creativity. Thanks for reading.
Now for the awesomeness!

Carfie out!

Madriz, Supain

Welcome and all, but a gamer for 28+ being 31 sounds kinda impossible.


Lol well its not. My mum showed me a C64 when I was only 3 years old and I fell in love with Snoopy and Ghostbusters ;p.
Good old times. Never stopped playing ever since.



Madriz, Supain
Carfie wrote:

Lol well its not. My mum showed me a C64 when I was only 3 years old and I fell in love with Snoopy and Ghostbusters ;p.
Good old times. Never stopped playing ever since.

I am a musician for 29+ years then. Im 28 XD

Welcome again!

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

Welcome and all, but a gamer for 28+ being 31 sounds kinda impossible.

I used to play games with my cousin and nephew when they were around age 2, and these were games that required more coordination and motor skills than some popular games from 30 years ago...

I started playing video/computer games when I was 4. I don't remember when my brother started playing them, but I was playing SMB and such before he would have been able to hold a controller, so he grew up around it.

You may not be a kick ass gamer at 3 years old, but we all had to start at some point.

Last edited by rygD (Oct 30, 2013 8:16 pm)

matt's mind

i started with LOGO 'programming' (in public school amazingly) in first grade (6 year olds), and there was plenty of other computer exposure prior to this. 

notably, oregon trail and where in the world is carmen sandiego.  and mario teaches typing (which was pretty musical if i recall).  LOGO was approached entirely as a game, i didn't realize we were writing very simple code until much much later.  it was just making the turtle move to me, and art. 

being 3-4 and being a 'gamer' back then doesn't sound too outlandish, sounds about right wink  oregon trail was the best game ever, and it was essentially just multiple choice.  and tons of death and disease.

ohhhhhhh, wait.  LORD.  legend of the red dragon.  BBS.  i mean, i was 9 or 10 then, but still.  that was some fun

anyone play this back in the day?


Oregon Trail is the shit.  I still play it on occasion. That and carmen sandiego in school for me too.  How about those word/number munchers?  My brother was super into reader rabbit, but by then I was fond of scorched earth, commander keen and duke nukem, then Wolfenstein 3d/SoD and the like.

I never played bbs games back then, but I have been looking into it recently, and thinking about setting one up.  If I have the time and resources.  Which I don't.  This and some related games seem to be popular (particularly a dragon of green) but I doubt many people would bother with it if I set stuff up the old way.  There are still real BBSs around that don't get much attention.

matt's mind

try LOGD (legend of the green dragon)

browser based, its basically LORD.  i used to play it all the time, there are tons of servers you can find with a google search

forgot all about the munchers.  wow thats such a great memory you dug up, thanks!


I keep telling myself I need to try Legend of the Green Dragon, not to mention others who keep suggesting it.  Eventually I hope to do so.

Last time I played munchers was a little more than 13 years ago when I stumbled across an old computer lab that had all the educational games.  Do schools still tell students to play games during class?