Here's an example of what you need to set in music.def in the multibank directory if you export my example IDM_Killer tune via the tracker to the filename "killer":
include "..\\..\\export\\"
include "..\\..\\export\\killer.z80"
SECTION "MusicTable", HOME
dw Bank(Inst_killer)
dw Inst_killer
dw BANK(Music_killer)
dw Music_killer
Once you do this you should be able to just hit the Make.bat file and run the rom on your Gameboy ![smile](
0) Make sure you download the assembler tools from Otaku in the bin directory (link is in the textfile in the bin directory)
1) Remember to change the export directory filename to your exported track
2) Remember to change the inst_XXXX and music_XXXX lines to reflect the export name of your track
Quick quick note; if your tune is presenting a flashing screen after compiling to GB, it's too big to be in a single bank and you should use the multibank replay...
Will be so cool to hear what you all make in this tracker, it's awesome fun + thanks to Stephane for releasing the full version \o_