I'm new to this whole thing & I've searched on Google & YouTube & I can't seem to figure out why I'm not getting any sounds out of the Gameboy when I try to send MIDI messages to it. If someone could please help me out. Thanks!
This is my current setup:
Gameboy (running mGB) > usb-midi adapter from Nanoloop (set to MIDI mode on terminal) > Ableton Live
I've set my MIDI sync preferences to:
Output: Nanoloop MIDI
& I've tried all the combinations of turning track, sync & remote on/off
I have a MIDI track with "external instrument" that sends MIDI to Nanoloop MIDI
& I've tried all 16 channels on Ableton
Audio input is set to no input on Ableton because sound should come out of the Gameboy
Gameboy volume has been tested and is working and on full volume.
Am I missing something?
Thanks again for any help!