Milan, Italy

I would really love to believe in karma, but it just doesnt make any sense. tongue
However I'm nice guy. smile

Westfield, NJ
infradead wrote:

we'll all chip in and get you a matching pair of his and her DMG's or something

A ha ha "chip" in, ha ha, that's very punny smile

Philadelphia, PA

The best I got is, when I was about 14, I was wandering around a crafts store with my friend, who fancied himself an artist. He handed me some stuff to hold, including a large spool of some kind of expensive thread. We walked around for a while and I forgot all about it.. And walked straight out of the store while stille holding it. About five blocks down the road, I suddenly realized I was still holding something I had blatently not paid for. Without really thinking about it, I just rushed right back to the store and explained everything. The nice lady behind the counter smiled and said she appreciated my honesty. A few minutes later, after my friend decided he wanted to actually pay for a few things, they gave him like a 50% discount because I had brought the spool back.

INCIDENTALLY, THE SPOOL COST $309. No, not really. But still, what goes around comes around, or something.

Ciudad de méxico, MX

On a city celebration, everyone going wild on streets drinking and having fun, i was staring at the floor all of the sudden 'cause there was a little bag.

this little bag contain a photo camera, four rechargeable AA's, 3 sd cards, and usb cables. I turn it on and try to search on the pictures for somebody familiar in the place. I notice some really recent pictures, like... in the last hour.

However, the people wasn't matching the ones on the photos. A friend told me that I musn't  return it, that i must keep it to myself.

but, with a a little help from another friend, we keep looking for the person with the missing camera. No candidates, for that day.

Next day, i go with a flyer to the square where i've found it (it said "I GOT YOUR CAMERA. TELL ME HOW IT IS AND I'LL GIVE IT BACK"), and put them on the street walls; with my e-mail on it.

Later, i've checked my e-mail and I was amazed, A LOT of people lost their camera THAT day xD.

I told everyone of them to tell me about the details of the content of the package. No one of them answer with the correct info.

I almost give up. I've send some crowded pics to my friend who was helping me, she know a lot of people on that area.

and MIRACLE, the girl appeared. 3 weeks later. She offered some beers xD. happy ending.

Last edited by Analog (Jun 21, 2010 11:51 pm)


A girl gave me $10 extra change the other day at Subway. I gave it back. She was really thankful.

Later we had sex.*

*we never had sex.

Melbourne, Australia

I once shot a man in Reno but then felt bad and gave him the kiss of life.

It was hot.

hardcore, Australia

My girlfriend asked me if I liked bacon.

I answered honestly that yes, i did like bacon.*

She cooked me bacon. And i ate it.

*i do like bacon.


I wrote a song where I took little bits and pieces of melody from a video of a guy just wanking around with his synthesizer. The song was never finished and is sitting deep in my save archives somewhere. I still feel a bit bad about it though.

autistic integrity amirite

Edmonton, Canada

I once shot a man in Reno but then felt bad and gave him the kiss of life.

I answered honestly that yes, i did like bacon.*

autistic integrity amirite


I once bacon a shot in kiss but then i answered honestly.

I did like bad and gave him the Reno of autistic.*

*life integrity amirite

Bronx, NY
chipocrite wrote:


Bahaha, this is my favorite part of the thread thus far.

I once forgot to pay for a slice of pizza I ate at a restaurant near my college a few years ago. Or so I thought I did. I was really stressed with finals and stuff so I was a total space-cadet at the time and spent the entire next day trying to figure out whether I paid or not. Finally I called, and the convo went something like:

Me: "Hey. So, this is weird, but I had a plain slice there yesterday. And a root beer. And I think I forgot to pay?"

Dude: "You forgot to pay?"

Me: "I think so? I really don't know. I might have. But I don't REMEMBER paying."

Dude: "..."

Me: "I may have? I doubt it? Can you, like, check?"

Dude: *exasperated, frustrated groan* "Just forget about it."


Oh, there was also a time where a friend and I went to a bar for dinner at around 7PM, stayed for drinks, ended up getting shitfaced and not leaving until the bar closed down and we were told to leave. By that point, the bartenders (who were always super cool with us) were also shitfaced and never charged us for the evening's drinks. We totally forgot to pay for what was at least a $140 tab.

The next morning we definitely remembered what happened, and felt awful about it. We went to go talk to them about it and try to subtly bring it up, but theywere being really vague and elusive and clearly didn't want to address it, probably so they wouldn't get in trouble with their asshole boss. So, we decided to order one drink each and leave a $100 "tip". It was a bizarre attempt at honesty and also an attempt to fix a mistake on our part.


This thread is wonderful.


On the way to the Gathering demoparty in 1997, my friend went to exchange money at the local post office. We took off and later stopped at a gas station, where he discovered that he got 1000 euros back from the cashier instead of the 100 he was supposed to get.

We were trying to convince him not to return it (if there is a reason to peer pressure, then go for it, right?). Finally he decided to return it though, when we got back to Sweden. And it was not in vain! He received a reward in the form of ... a pencil.

Honesty rocks!

Melbourne, Australia

I know many people are probably with me on this...
but I paid the minimum amount for LSDJ.


A gray world of dread
goto80 wrote:

Honesty rocks!

If only it wouldn't bite you in the ass so much hmm

I like being honest, and I try to be as much as I can. It's very depressing to watch how dishonesty just seems to have the bigger gross value throughout life. It's so tempting.

The daaaark siiiiiiide. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark. Cooooome toooooooo eeeeeeet.


last time i ever ate a fast food thing (buggerking shit) they paid me to eat it.

I gave them £5 for a shitty bean bugger, they gave me change for £10.

I didn't say anything. my life has been a spiral of misery ever since. … amp;sid=44

Last edited by Jellica (Jun 22, 2010 6:20 pm)