Hey everyone,
(tl;dr) Chipmusic.org should have a socialnetwork-like layout where folks share patterns and melodies on their user pages. Organiser/developper monetizes it with advertisement.
totally new to music in general but i'm learning everything on chipmachines doing chip tunes.
All i've done is basically watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UphAzryVpY by John Varney, then checked out some videos by Prof. Ethan Hein on you tube about what's called a Beat Pizza.
A beat pizza is a great way to share drum patterns, 16 steps (one bar) represented by slices and notes by colors and neat visual tricks. For example : https://soniccharge.com/patternarium
I've been able to tap into music through chiptunes so quickly this way. I think it's worth sharing.
Man i'd love to see a facebook of chiptune drum patterns and melodies with some sort of intuitive input. I'm sure it's practically trivial , with a small team it would be easier in some and harder in other respects, but really it would be so great to try to do this correctly .
Hope this helps !