Brunswick, GA USA
4mat wrote:

People have been making and listening to this stuff for so long but you kinda get the impression 'the chipscene' think they invented it. smile

Music has always been a private and personal experience for me. People that say they like music I show them or music I compose seem to be intraverted types, which I relate to well, but there's a rub: intraverts don't like talking and socializing, and when they do socialize, they're not good at it! That also means these sorts won't feel comfortable wearing a loud-colored T-shirt with your logo on it when in public, and won't come out to a lot of events. You also can't tell how many there are because they won't talk to you.

If you're trying to tap this sort of person for marketing or just to know the real size of your audience, the only thing I can suggest is to do everything in your power to make this sort of person feel comfortable at your events and hope that maybe these folks will respond in some way when you engage them. I'm neither an expert at this, nor am I successful at it, as my number of blog comments and my iTunes earnings are both measured in single digits.

In the meantime, I have no problem making sure my work is both available and easy to find. The hit counter suggests that somebody's stopping by to listen, even if it's just for a few seconds, and that's all that matters to me for the moment.

PlainFlavored wrote:

I think the real question is:


well aside from your mother, my guess is they're all busy friending Sabrepulse on myspace

@chunter i'm guilty as being one of those intraverts sad
though i do like to wear loud obnoxious shirts in public and will talk if you pour enough beer down my throat

Last edited by SKGB (Oct 29, 2010 9:20 pm)

Washington DC
SKGB wrote:

and will talk if you pour enough beer down my throat

mmyyyyy preeecioussssss

4mat wrote:

In my experience I hadn't even heard of 'the chipscene' or 8bc until like a year ago.  So I put that (and this place) in the minority.  Most of the guys I know don't even hang out in that scene at all.  People have been making and listening to this stuff for so long but you kinda get the impression 'the chipscene' think they invented it. smile

I dont know it seems to me that most "scene" interviews go outta their way to name check the dudes who came before them.. we are all standing on the shoulders of giants for the most part!

Dauragon wrote:
SKGB wrote:

and will talk if you pour enough beer down my throat

mmyyyyy preeecioussssss

haha myyyy babyyyyyy


Still calling chipmusic chiptunes on


I want to know why the fuck it matters what you call it. What's the fucking difference?


To me, chiptunes sounds like a fluffy adolescent hobby, like legos. Chipmusic sounds a bit more refined and dignified.


heh, that is true.

But to me it always sounds like an elitists way of asserting their 'elite-ness'.

PlainFlavored wrote:

To me, chiptunes sounds like a fluffy adolescent hobby, like legos. Chipmusic sounds a bit more refined and dignified.

The way those outside the "scene" see chiptunes seems to have this sort of cloying, somewhat creepy or at least regressive nostalgia to it.  Sort of like how I see the furry scene.

That said, I don't really give a shit what it's called.  And it doesn't matter because I don't talk about it to acquaintances.


my favorite part of the ongoing 'chipmusic" vs. 'chiptune' thing is that only *maybe* 50 people in the entire world even remotely care about it. the "silent population" (aka people who actually listen to us and go to shows) just want to hear some cool music, not hear us wax philosophic on the semantics of labels we made up for ourselves.

astral cat



I have at least 10-15 friends who listen to or casually enjoy chip music without ever being involved with the chip/demoscene. I think that the suggested ratios of 5:1 or 37:1 or whatever are still too small, although my guess is as taken out of the blue as the others.

Brunswick, GA USA
PlainFlavored wrote:

To me, chiptunes sounds like a fluffy adolescent hobby, like legos. Chipmusic sounds a bit more refined and dignified.

I quit playing with legos when I was six. If you're supposed to be adolescent it's no wonder I sucked at making things from them...

undergroundclouds wrote:

The way those outside the "scene" see chiptunes seems to have this sort of cloying, somewhat creepy or at least regressive nostalgia to it.  Sort of like how I see the furry scene.

I wanted to quote that bit just to make sure I actually read it. I consider chiptune vs. chipmusic to be about as meaningful to anyone as the term "frozen fur." (Anything else  can say goes into NSFW/not-going-there territory.)

I've considered telling people that I make ice cream truck music to see what response it gets.


ice cream truck music would be awesome m8 smile


i lorve clipsongs n fiteing x i cme here cuz iliek ff7 n it is so kawai and i wont 2 get more stuff that sounds lke nes pinball