Yes. Tracking. ON PAPER.
Have you ever been in a place with no computer around, or in a place where you can't use the available computer to track, and had a really awesome idea for a song (or for continuing a song you started before)?
In case you have, have you ever scribbled down on paper as if paper was your tracker?
Last night I had no choice, actually. I was on a bus ride home and obviously, had no computer around (no, I don't have a netbook or a smartphone, and still, where I live, it wouldn't be the smartest thing to flash those things around on public transport), and I scribbled down my idea ON A RECEIPT.
YES. I found out I was still carrying a receipt for some errand my pals at the workplace sent me to (they wanted hotdogs) and I tracked my idea down on the back, like
(Yes, I actually use variables instead of constants for octaves, lol)
It's a rather tedious process, and you rely on your knowledge of notes and being able to whistle or hum them out as a cheap substitute for a playback function, but it gets the job done (at least for me).
Ever done something as silly (or more) than this?
Last edited by El Huesudo II (Oct 14, 2011 6:37 pm)