tRasH cAn maN wrote:But seriously. Ever notice that there isn't a single tracker out there for the c64 that supports syncing in any way?
And the Amiga ones that do are not of my liking. I want sync in for AHX.
If you had a bit of idea around C64 programming, I think MIDI syncing could be easy to do. Just implment SIN sync nd get a MIDI to DIN sync converter cable. I gues it would be easy to hack an existing tracker to listen to clicks coming from the user port instead of using CIA or similar timing.
But all the programmers of these trackers tink of us as "lowly" users not worth listening to
Yes, DIN sync is what I thought as well. Mainly because c64 MIDI interfaces are quite hard to come by.
Isn't SDI source availale?
The only amiga tracker I know of that can sync is OctaMed. Are there others?