akira^8GB wrote:
tRasH cAn maN wrote:

But seriously. Ever notice that there isn't a single tracker out there for the c64 that supports syncing in any way?

And the Amiga ones that do are not of my liking. I want sync in for AHX.

If you had a bit of idea around C64 programming, I think MIDI syncing could be easy to do. Just implment SIN sync nd get a MIDI to DIN sync converter cable. I gues it would be easy to hack an existing tracker to listen to clicks coming from the user port instead of using CIA or similar timing.

But all the programmers of these trackers tink of us as "lowly" users not worth listening to tongue

Yes, DIN sync is what I thought as well. Mainly because c64 MIDI interfaces are quite hard to come by.

Isn't SDI source availale?
The only amiga tracker I know of that can sync is OctaMed. Are there others?

New York City
ant1 wrote:

Mano: AHX, Future Composer.

AHX will not run on a stock A600. it needs Kickstart 3.0+. You need to softkick* the machine to 3.0, which means at least 2MB of Chip RAM are needed. You also need Workbench 3.0, unless you wanna mess real hard with scripts and many versions of rereqtools.library and other things lying around your hard drive and being shit to you.

Future Composer doesn't like anything but Kickstart 1.3, so again, you have to softkick* to 1.3 (1.5Mb RAM minimum or it will crash the system). Annoying again.

You could use Protracker, Octamed, Digital Sound Studio from GVP, and maybe other synth trackers that I haven't tried.

trashcanman: I dunno about SDI source, I'll have a look. About Amiga software with sync, I think Star Trekker is the ONLY other one that has it besides Octamed.

* Softkick: the process where an Amiga's Kickstart (its ROM, BIOS, whatchamacallit) is changed by software to a different one, usually older for backwards compatibility, some times newer for newer features

Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 9, 2010 3:07 am)


Heh, I didn't know about all those problems. Explains why the AHX disk from Syphus doesn't do anything in my A500. Thanks for the info! (I am new to the IRL Amiga experience) smile

So while I'm in the "you need help?" thread, how do I tell what Kickstart ROM I have on my Amiga?

akira^8GB wrote:

About Amiga software with sync, I think Star Trekker is the ONLY other one that has it besides Octamed.

It's been aeons since I used amiga trackers but I remember Star Trekker. At that time it stood out because you could have 8 channels on the expense of pour sample rate. Never used it much though. I used Protracker all the way.

New York City
ant1 wrote:

So while I'm in the "you need help?" thread, how do I tell what Kickstart ROM I have on my Amiga?

Pretty easy.
You probably have Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 which is what all A500s had from factory (except A500+, that has 2.04)
When you start it up, you'll see what kickstart you have.
1.2 or 1.3 say so in the diskette the hand is holding.
2.0+ doens't have the hand, it has a disk entering a disk drive. This screen will also tell you what version you have.
If you have 1.5 or 2MB of RAM, I can explain to you how to softkick your machine so you can use AHX.

Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 9, 2010 12:07 pm)


Kickstart 1.3

Looks like I can't use AHX then, but maybe better for Future Composer? smile

I'm also interested in Art of Noise and Delta Music 2, but unsure (doubtful) that'd I'd be able to run them.

São Paulo, Brazil

akira giving tips on commodore! that´s what I was missing in that *other* forum. Hell yeah.

New York City
ant1 wrote:

Kickstart 1.3
Looks like I can't use AHX then, but maybe better for Future Composer? smile
I'm also interested in Art of Noise and Delta Music 2, but unsure (doubtful) that'd I'd be able to run them.

All those will run on A500 because they were made for it smile


Great! Thanks for your help, and this great thread. smile

New York City

Let me know how you like them , I never tried those, because I never had an A500 and I can't be arsed to softkick into 1.3 tongue


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can upgrade a A500 with a new kickstart chip right?

New York City

Yes you can.
Actually the best is to put there a Kickstart switch board (usually called "ROM sharer"), so you can have 1.3 and a newer one and you can swap them at the flick of a switch.

But in my opinion A500s are stupid hard to upgrade. Getting a hard drieve in them is annoying, and transferring files with your PC becomes tedious. In an A600 or A1200, you can have an easy to find IDE hard drive, and also you can put a PCMCIA NIC or Card reader for easy file transfers. They are the best machines to have for actual usage.


The best way I have found to transfer files to A500, for anyone who is wondering, is Hombre on a floppy, with a 9 -> 25 pin null modem cable. The cable will cost next-to nothing, really easy to find, and it gives you a bunch of different ways to transfer data - I believe you can even set up a folder on your PC to act as another drive on the A500, although I haven't tried it yet (obviously you have to keep it connected to the computer to do this).

New York City

But how do you get that first floppy done? That's usually the big problem smile


Well, there are people who will do them for a tiny fee (50p, maybe a pound), plus postage. Not so bad after just spending £35 on an Amiga, hehe. Now I've got Hombre and all, maybe I can start offering these services for free, even.

Until I decide whether I want to do that, I recommend:

Broony1968 {at} aol {dot} com

Postage to Argentina might be a bit much, but I have a feeling you don't need this anyway. smile

New York City

I find it absolutely disgusting that people charge for copying you a software.
A network of users that can help others around with this sort of stuff should be EASY to make. I'm gonna try setting one up at EAB.
Nope, I don't need it, I got my Amiga with a multicard reader that takes SD, Memory Stick and others smile Thanks anyway.