
Kinda new at this time but anywho

Hello my name is Clair Leroy Lane or as others would call me Clair Bear

Near Edinburgh, Scotland

Hmm..  this only appeared a little while after I made my intro thread.
But,  yeah..   I am hear,  check out me profile (which I'm still working on)...  check out me tunes...  check out my intro thread if you like... ^_^   ...and hi to those who already know me. tongue
At the moment I am reposting the stuff I had up on 8bc and then I'll be moving on to other stuff.
So,  yeah,  I am here..  alloooo smile


I never introduced myself.

Milky Way Galaxy

Finally decided to join in on the action! After 8BC crashed earlier this year due to some copyright/financial drama I had no idea was going on on the forums, I had no idea where to go...

Somewhere near the end of April, ENTER CM.O.

So, hello! I'm back... not that anyone really knew me since I essentially lurked on 8BC... >.> big_smile

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

I hear the Milky Way is nice this time of year.

Milky Way Galaxy
Auxcide wrote:

I hear the Milky Way is nice this time of year.

It is... It's very bright and beautiful around this light year. smile

Savannah, Georgia

i'm aeros, that guy that always ends up making seriously awkward comments on forum threads. i work with 1xlsdj and make horrible music because i have no skill and little experience. big_smile

Gosford, Australia
Aeros wrote:

i'm aeros, that guy that always ends up making seriously awkward comments on forum threads.

hey, you only make that mistake once. stay classy bro smile

Aeros wrote:

i ... make horrible music because i have no skill and little experience. big_smile

That trance track you made was one of my favorite songs I've ever heard out of LSDJ. No joke.


Oh, I realized I never quite made an introduction.  I'm Ben Carignan, AKA "Space Boyfriend".  I'm a dude from Virginia (for now) and I make LSDJ tunes.  I'm also the editor and co-host for The Fangamer Podcast, and help out with Fangamer when I can.

Yeah.  I make pizza chiptunes.

Chicago IL, USA

My names Art, I'm from Chicago IL, but currently live in the Philippines for fun. I have been a member for a little while but mainly lurked grabbing releases and finding new musicians and what not until recently when I finished my first album. I made the account when I used "Sad Panda" as my alias for all my musical endeavors, but changed all my chiptune related things to be under the name "MyLifeIsPixels", and I don't feel like making a new account for it. I make music in FL Studio mainly using the Plogue Chipsounds plugin. I like turtles.

San Diego

I've been around for a few months now and never made an introduction either. Names Ira "Vile". I got into chip music when I stumbled onto some of Rockmans videos on youtube and started doing research on how to mod Gameboys. I was actually directed here by NeX since I was getting into modding Gameboys and was talking to him about build ideas on his website when he asked if I had a blog for it. Since then I've created a facebook page dedicated to modding/painting DMGs, MGBs, GBAs and some other odds and ends. Sold a few so far to help me fund the projects but I can tell it's hard to get someone to trust a new face in the community as a modder. Still learning these tracker programs (LSDJ, Goat, Piggy, Nano etc. etc.) and a few other DAWs, quite slowly I might add. Being unemployed and trying to get back into school I'm rather limited on what's accessible to me gear wise but, that's one of the reasons I like this community. A lot of the programs are free or next to nothing and some of the gear was stuff I had laying around or could get on the cheap and the tunes that come out of it are simply bad ass.

Melbourne, AU

I'm Sean and I go by MysteryStain on forums and I'm relatively new here. Still trying to come up with a cool sounding chippy blippy name because MysteryStain sucks for chipmusik.
aussie chip scene 4 lyfe yo

Sydney, NSW

Sick, more aussie chip dudes! The scene needs more of us.
I'm Chainsaw, I've been around since early 2011-ish, and I write face-melting bass music for your ears (or other orifices if you so feel like it).


Hi. I'm Dan. I live in Washington, about an hour east of Seattle, which has an okay chiptune community. I very recently got into chip, I only have a gameboy pocket, I don't even have a cart for it yet. I first heard chiptune about a month ago, from Henry Homesweet's 'out-house' jams on YouTube, I think I was looking for how to make a treehouse or some stupid shit like that. I really want to get nanoloop or LSDj and just start making chip songs, it looks like so much fun. smile

and. I know basspuddle is a terrible name. I was bored when I made it, it certainly won't be my chip name when I start making music. I'm in the process of finding a good one.

Last edited by basspuddle (May 15, 2012 12:53 am)

Antwerp, Belgium

Hi, I'm Stephan and I'm from Maastricht in the Netherlands which has no chiptune community at all! I started playing under the name Vegas Diamond a few months ago when I bought nanoloop 1.6, I've used milkytracker and renoise but I was never really pleased with the results.

I try to make non-video game sounding chipmusic, my biggest inspiration is hiphop beats and I try to emulate that kind of feel.