Just trying something unusual. I ran out of chains towards the end.
Here's the original for reference: d-15715497
It's a Gospel RnB song. He's a pretty good singer.
Tear it apart, but if their be anything praise-worthy, don't hesitate to point it out. Trackers are awesome, btw. Really expressive.
Edit: Specifically, I'd like CC on my sound design, and whether I made good choices in regards to which aspects of the original song to bring over into the limited 8-bit format (should I have focused more on the background vocals or used more piano, etc,)
Edit: Also, this isn't my first dabble into LSDJ, but this came around the time I started figuring stuff out. I'm still a newb.
Last edited by SketchMan3 (Jun 28, 2012 4:41 am)