Geneva, NY

Working as fast as we can.... got my main man BUD MELVIN putting the finishing touches on it. That's right.... droppin' names like Galileo dropped the orange.

Chicago IL, USA

haha its fine, I'll just extend the deadline more i guess. it'd be swell if everyone picked up the pace a bit though, because I have to get everything together and ready before I send to DJ Cutman who will then determine the release date.

Geneva, NY

I thought we had till the 15th!? Lightin fires under butts.

I also had no idea my Ithaca homie Cutman was involved! High 5's as high as Buffalo St!

Chicago IL, USA

haha well the 15th is all good if you can finish by then, but it's looking like some other people are slacking who I've gotten responses from, I'm basically gonna wait til the people I've talked to submit which will leave it around 12 tracks, and I hope some others who haven't responded still submit.

@People who haven't responded: submit yo shit

Chicago IL, USA

update: since some of you guys are busy and stuff, I'm extending deadline til the end of July and asking some more well-known people to possibly contribute tracks if they can work semi-fast, just to make this long wait more worth it.

edit: Superpowerless is doing one.

Last edited by SadPanda (Jul 14, 2012 2:04 pm)

Rochester, NY

Oh wow, an official Cutman release eh?

540, VA

soo stoked to be on this!  Can't wait for the release!

Milwaukee, WI

Eeek, working on it.

Chicago IL, USA
ChipsChallengeBand wrote:

Oh wow, an official Cutman release eh?

yeah I haven't talked to him about it for a while because I've been waiting for all the submissions, but it'll be released through his label GameChops.

Chicago IL, USA

also, 8-Bit Duane is submitting a track.


Wow, went on two vacation trips and totally forgot about this.
Accidentally deleted the file so I have to manually transcribe it on emulator again.
Finished by today or tommorow, can I send you the .sav file instead of wavs or mp3 files? My soundcard isn't good enough for recording clear.

Chicago IL, USA

It's alright man, I downloaded it off your soundcloud.


I just thought the quality sucked

Chicago IL, USA

just a reminder to those of you slacking, only a week left til deadline. I'm specifically looking at you Storm Blooper, Bleo, mysterystain and Boddah...


officially working on it. smile

SadPanda wrote:

just a reminder to those of you slacking, only a week left til deadline. I'm specifically looking at you Storm Blooper, Bleo, mysterystain and Boddah...

Ffffff I am a slacker. I will correct this.