This has been a very unwelcoming experience,
I was simply stating my own opinions on music,
and asking for general advice for seeking other music I might enjoy,
even stating that it preferably not be made with the DMG console,
however it would seem that the LSDJ sound is all this community is concerned about,
to the point they have to rub it in others faces and call them stupid for not agreeing with the others opinions about these LSDJ artists.
I think you all need a good hard look in the mirror to find out who the troll is, people have different opinions and views we all aren't the same, that is what makes the world great.
I hope expands in the future to cover more areas of the field of chip music.
EDIT: Not aimed at the people who were actually kind and took the time to read my posts and understand the direction I was coming from. You know who you are I hope 
Last edited by Lazare (Aug 1, 2012 7:10 am)