That's an interesting point of view. But I disagree. I'll give a real example of a craft show that is held here each year in Montreal called Le Salon des Metiers D'Art. Smiths, crafters, artisans.. whatever you call the people that expose there, all have to submit their work for peer approval before being accepted at the event.The review process is not about who likes what, but rather on quality control to make sure that what is on offer is of a sufficient level that people from outside their community will be interested.
Anyways. I find it funny that people tell me to move on and just don't listen when something doesn't strike my fancy. It's as if you people imagine me there, going through every second of every song raging at the world because it's bad. Of course I skip the songs, of course I pick and choose what I like, of course I listen to chipmusic from outside this forum...ffs I was making chips in the 80s. Give me some credit.. But the whole point of the thread was to open a discussion about whether or not people find chipmusic to be of lower *musical* quality than other genres. In six pages, there has been like 4 replies that were honest opinion with a sense of discussion.. the rest is just people taking shit personally or saying there's no point in discussing it and making all kinds of parallels with things other than chipmusic. Is there no place for discussions without getting one's panties in a ball here?