ohio gozaimasu

This thread doesn't make any sense

gyms wrote:

well, the thread's topic is "post-chiptune artist identity. your thoughts?". i'm not really familiar with 'post-chiptune' as a term, but what i've gathered from context it that it's synonymous with the idea of fakebit.

when i wrote the title, i meant it more as "informed by chiptune, but not chiptune". fakebit would be closer to chiptune.

because it is chiptune.

but thats just what *I* meant by it.

Brunswick, GA USA

I'm taking this as a callout of "are you guys in this scene by convenience or what?" or at least that's the impression I'm getting.

I have to admit I'm a little guilty of this because I'm still trying to figure out how to move my music beyond a nebulous tiny audience.

Last edited by chunter (May 23, 2013 4:11 am)

breakphase wrote:


:o    this is totally getting added to my vocabulary.


i cant really relate to this thread cause i dont know anyone who has done this. honestly if i saw something labeled as chip that obviously wasnt regardless of if the artist used to be inna the chip community or not, it would probably annoy me. i dont think i would call em out or anything though. are we talking like a chip tag on soundcloud or like "check out this hot chiptune" for a track that isnt?

chunter wrote:

I'm taking this as a callout of "are you guys in this scene by convenience or what?" or at least that's the impression I'm getting.

yesssssssssssssssssssssssss. not *just* TRUE CHIP MASTER RACE CHECKING IN sort of thing. but considering it took 8 pages to decipher what the hell i was trying to say... i should probably take full responsibility for this thread

Milwaukee, WI

I am going to continue tagging all my music as #chiptune #chipmusic and #8bit just to piss some of you off hard.

Milwaukee, WI

And to show others what good #chiptune #chipmusic and #8bit sounds like.

perth, WA

i used to write regular dance music but i've been regressing into chiptune because it's easier and swaggier

Douglas, Wyoming
chunter wrote:

I'm taking this as a callout of "are you guys in this scene by convenience or what?" or at least that's the impression I'm getting.

yesssssssssssssssssssssssss. not *just* TRUE CHIP MASTER RACE CHECKING IN sort of thing. but considering it took 8 pages to decipher what the hell i was trying to say... i should probably take full responsibility for this thread

Nah it was my fault, I derailed this harder than a crowbar on a train track Also semi related, lol'd at Ke$ha

Last edited by Monotron (May 23, 2013 5:20 am)

UK, Leicester
4mat wrote:

stop calling things 'fakebit'

When people stop describing their own music as fakebit, then I'll stop using it yo.

Just gunna point out that I have nothing against it

gyms wrote:

well, the thread's topic is "post-chiptune artist identity. your thoughts?". i'm not really familiar with 'post-chiptune' as a term, but what i've gathered from context it that it's synonymous with the idea of fakebit.

in the original post, "quite a few who were previously involved with the scene and "proper chiptune"* that have now "quit chiptune" or simply transitioned into other genres (mostly some form or another of EDM) still label themselves as "chiptune", do chip shows, etc., and generally carry on in a chiptune fashion despite supposedly being beyond all that."

it's kind of inevitable the conversation would drift into this eventually, lol

I know of one guy who you could say that they "transitioned into EDM" or whatever, but even when you listen to their tracks, you can hear the chip influence, if you see what I mean. They don't tag their tracks as chip, they tag them as DnB or whatever.

Madriz, Supain

Everytime i read the EDM label my inner 90's raver (been there, seen that) cries a little.

Connecticut USA

Here's the dealio.


Douglas, Wyoming
MisfitChris wrote:

Here's the dealio.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This


pls put the seapunk in a separate file

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

pls put the seapunk in a separate file