well I'm officially scared of the gray man, fucker pops outta nowhere all the time
Acid is not so expensive.
Yeah, but where I live, it's a pain in the ass to find a reliable dealer for the stuff. My main one only sells bud and coke, the latter of which, I have no interest in.
god, people just cannot take the time to figure out that this isn't about drugs or fake drugs
eme7h wrote:Acid is not so expensive.
Yeah, but where I live, it's a pain in the ass to find a reliable dealer for the stuff. My main one only sells bud and coke, the latter of which, I have no interest in.
LSD in leicester.
Yeah drugs are bad! Of course the lsd emulator isn't about drugs! Who would even think this game is related to drugs, or fake drugs...
Last edited by AuburnKitsune (Jun 5, 2013 4:23 am)
Seriously though, it's actually just based on the dreams the creator had. It was actually a very limited release and came with a book that had excerpts from the guys actual dream diary, along with original sketches.
I'm sure I've got a .pdf of it somewhere.
Talking of Dream Diarys. Play Yume Nikki.
It's a therapy process.
You meditate for half an hour everyday so you can remember your dreams.
When you wake up, you write it down on a diary. Then you later try understand the dream, which is a subcouncious message trying to tell you what's wrong with you. The dude just made a game out of that.
That being said, acid is way less expensive than therapy sessions.
what's wrong with you.
More accurately, "what you think is wrong with you"
I was excited recently to find a mac version of Yume Nikki but then dissapointed by HOW BORING it is... i mean it had all sorts of cool stuff in it but only between AGES of walking thru repetitive/empty levels
On the plus side I discovered LSD designer Osamu Sato made a later CD-rom game which looks if anything even weirder and has an even more obscure sequel too! http://obscuritory.com/adventure/easter … -tong-nou/
Also he made a couple of kind of cute but alas not very good iphone apps for drawing with shapes/faces
I was excited recently to find a mac version of Yume Nikki but then dissapointed by HOW BORING it is... i mean it had all sorts of cool stuff in it but only between AGES of walking thru repetitive/empty levels
On the plus side I discovered LSD designer Osamu Sato made a later CD-rom game which looks if anything even weirder and has an even more obscure sequel too! http://obscuritory.com/adventure/easter … -tong-nou/
Also he made a couple of kind of cute but alas not very good iphone apps for drawing with shapes/faces
I was going to mention his other game, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called. All I knew was it had a "B" somewhere in the title, but even that was wrong.
Just played this "game" last night on my PS2 for the first time ever with Cooshinator. We thoroughly enjoyed the randomness.
god, people just cannot take the time to figure out that this isn't about drugs or fake drugs
That's why you add lots of drugs and make it about drugs