@Alpine: Okay. Point taken. Just wanted to make my feelings known is all. Probably would have been better pm'd, but no harm done. And now that you say it that way I actually have something real to contribute:
This guy Speedster at Damaged Games Community used to be a real flamer and just really immature and abrasive and annoying, but then he changed his name to "Litis" and everything just changed and he became cool and learned how to get along with people on message boards. He made cool music and remixes for a few years, introduced me to Sound Club and OpenMPT and chiptune (but I didn't realize it then, haha) and NSFs and Creative Commons and free music releases by people like Brad Sucks. He was really into NIN and I think Green Day and MCR and Daft Punk. then I lost contact with him and he stopped making music because "nobody really cared except [SketchMan3]" lol. I really did enjoy his music, and I wish he still made more of it. This is the last thing he released:
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/7989/ … from-hell/
It's technically more "post-chiptune" since it uses VSTs and isn't really supposed to be chiptune (as far as I know), but it sounds pretty chiptune and was made in OpenMPT. The imagery is very vivid for me.