theghostservant wrote:SketchMan3 wrote:+It annoys me a fair bit when chipmusicians hate on lsdj dance music/uncestep artists just because the lsdj performers are "popular" and get live gigs in which they merely have to DJ their pre-sequenced patterns and get away with it.
I can't tell if you hate on it, too. I'm gonna go with, "Yes."
You would be incorrect, I don't know how you came to that conclusion. I even got people in the #chipmusic IRC channel to talk about timbob's lsdj live-radio-set the other day
› derail
‹ derail
My description wasn't derogatory or inaccurate or intended to throw all LSDJ performers under the same blanket. I like live lsdj performance of all kinds - from the "sequence a new song from scratch live" and "gameboy backing-track guitar/vocal/drums rock-show" to the "press start and fist pump" variety - and while EDM is not my preferred style I still enjoy the melodies and sound design and technical manipulation and stuff. Every time I mention LSDJ in certain chat channels I always end up having to sing the praises of live LSDJ amidst harsh criticism and deep-seated hatred. 
I mean, DJing makes up the majority of a pure LSDJ-only performance if you are not using an LSDJ keyboard/midi-controller/etc to trigger notes in real-time: You have sections of music which you trigger at key moments, and occasionally modify or add new things as the situation demands+EQ/effects manipulation. It's even in the name: lsDJ.
I feel that the value of the music is purely in the music itself. The method of communicating the music is of no concern to me as long as the music touches my heart.
Alpine wrote:I wasn't complaining about this thread, I was saying that there was a similar thread on another forum, then posted an example of something that gets me mad, dumb firstworld shit. e.g. when the shower takes ages to warm up.
Also the violin dubstep song wasn't dubstep
Well whaddya know, I was wrong and right at the same time
Sorry I was confused by the lack of "+" Good thing I didn't actually do what I was tempted to do 
+Nothing that is called "____ dubstep" is dubstep these days 
Last edited by SketchMan3 (Aug 16, 2013 5:56 pm)