infradead wrote:

when we first started we had an amazing amount of mods.  before it went public everyone was a mod.  we had to ask who didn't want to be one.  which was pretty much everyone.

now we have a few

im still jenny from the block.

Brunswick, GA USA
egr wrote:

Irc confuses me because there always seems to be lots of people logged in but no one ever says anything or responds at all. Are they all bots or leftover accounts or something? Does everyone hate me and refuse to acknowledge my presence? I don't understand irc! :'(

While that is part of the point I was making (that #chipmusic is a relatively lifeless channel) keep in mind that when I come home from work and log my client in, I'm checking for conversation and then going about my business if I don't have anything to say. In busy channels more than half the users will answer when addressed directly but are probably up to something else at the same time.

There was a problem I used to have with AIM and Y! where certain friends of mine assumed that by logging in it meant I wanted to spend the entire four hours chatting and not maybe making a little music and picking up the house now and then, getting pissed off because my replies aren't immediate. Certain people aren't wired for certain kinds of interaction.

herr_prof wrote:

The only mods I want is console mods.

What about case mods?


Fuck that.

Gosford, Australia

console mods with all the mod cons