look, let me lay it out. i was involved with chipmusic for almost 7 years and stopped because of childish bullshit like this.
do people really not see the harm in slurs, racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobic/etc? this is a community that is supposed to be welcoming to creativity and all sorts of people, and it clearly isn't. using words like "faggot" or even "skanks" or "niggas" that i saw previously within this same thread is very obviously work done to exclude people to further cater to the white male demographic of chipmusic. words are not just words, and you are not a nice person just because you fix a gameboy pro bono. don't say shit like "i don't care about race/gender/whatever" and then use the words that have been used to dehumanize those people for fucking ages.
someone called you out on your bullshit, VERY nicely, and instead of listening, you did what every other ignorant bigot does. either clean up your act or delete your account because nobody has time to deal with your hateful shit