Kris k wrote:
animalstyle wrote:

mp3s are stupid > get the real thing.

got it, love it. i think it's way more of an experience when you couple it with the visual aspect. (chip visualists, anyone want to try and recreate this in a live setting? please? )  smile

ive already made video pieces that do this, 10 years ago..they arent chip, but ive been known to use them in visuals
they are the dream machine pieces, one of which is here: … ne%201.wmv
apologies for it being wmv, hope to get to a full overhaul of my website in the next few months at which point, ill have the video stuff on vimeo as well as downloadable versions of some pieces

Adelaide, Australia

I've no doubt that sound and music can affect mood and emotions and even facilitate altered states of consciousness, but I'm not sure about affecting perception for example, which is something that many drugs do. Also, I doubt music can create quite the same 'high' as chemical drugs, but that doesn't mean there is no place for so called digital drugs.


by the way, dream machine #1 works best in an other wise dark room, playing on loop for 20-45 minutes..feel free to do other things (like work on music or talk to people) while it's some point, your brain syncs properly to the flashing and most people can tell the difference...i didnt put this info in the description when i showed it at a student run gallery during college, gave me a nice test run since people didnt know what they video was supposed to do and came out feeling the effects anyway, at which point i explained to them that it was syncing their brain waves to the different stages of sleep (#1 triggers alpha waves, probably the most interesting to experience fully awake)