Also, I've been telling lots of people about this competition so hopefully it'll peak some interest .
haha It's all good, Jredd. Was just having an "evaluating-sarcasm-malfunction" yesterday. Thanks for the praise and once i do pick up beepola, if I run into problems i'll let you know.
And yeah...I first started with LSDJ on an emulator and was like "Why do people say it sucks in comparison to a real gameboy?".....and then I got an LSDJ cart....and then I understood...
BWC#4 is all set up to run, so if i'm busy everything will go smoothly. The thread might not get updated till Sunday or so, no idea as of now.
Good luck to everyone next week!
Whhhhhaaaaaaaa? That's unexpected. *High fives Jredd*
Also I helped vote you into that tie...and I don't regret it.
Last edited by 8-Bit-Rex (Mar 26, 2011 4:05 pm)
As far as I can tell, there was no tie. 8-Bit-Rex got 3 votes.
Ah...the stars...You're right....I retract my last statement ....the thumbs say 2 but the stars say I am confused.
wait...but 2 player has 3 stars...but no did he tie with 8 bit rex?
Ah...the stars...You're right....I retract my last statement ....the thumbs say 2 but the stars say I am confused.
I'm almost positive "stars" are total votes in all competitions and "thumbs" are for the single competition alone...thus...Jredd and I tied.
I had 1 star going into comp. 3 since I had 1 vote in comp. 1
2 votes in comp. 3 pushed me up to 3 stars.
Last edited by 8-Bit-Rex (Mar 26, 2011 6:39 pm)
Yeah, that was my thought too. Either way I had lots of fun, and I'll most likely be down for next week's theme as well . Maybe I'll dust off famitracker next time
I really have to start entering these...
Dooo iiiit.
You'll fill my void this week.
Yes! Nestrogen! I will probably enter next week's theme as well, whatever it may be .
I wonder when page 1 will say me and Jredd tied...........*hint hint*