On the newest gp2x ghetto the midi channel shown in the phrase screen when the instrument number is under the cursor is one digit higher than what you actually set in the midi instrument screen.
I can take a couple pics tonight, I guess.
But all that's happening is if you set a midi instrument to, say, channel 3 in the instrument screen when you highlight the instrument number in the phrase screen it will say "midi channel 4" at the top of the screen (always 1 higher, maybe because the instrument screen channels start at 00?)
Ok I see the problem. Its mixed up. 1-9 Works fine, because channel 00 in hex is midi channel one. It gets confused above 8, because its starts going back to hex notation. I think the spirit of the feature is to display the insturment in the real world midi channel on the hex screen, so its correct for ch 1-8 but needs to be fixed for 9-16.
Gimme dat text fo' da rusty one! My homemade purple one is outstaying its welcome.
Ugh sorry they are just quick photoshop mocks
The rusty one is actually based on my goattracker color hack: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/2803/ … r-skinjob/
Here's the hex color values, at least:
Black #000000 (duh)
Blue #35748B
Red #FF4138
Bone-white #E5E5B9
If anyone makes the theme, please share
acording to the skins from ILKKE these are the "codes". The piggy should have kind of list of the skins... or just something like... NEXT SKIN / NEXT / NEXT and so on...
<BACKGROUND value="000000"/> <!--BACKGROUND-->
<FOREGROUND value="f8fcf8"/> <!-- song name -->
<HICOLOR1 value="9338ac"/> <!-- row count in song screen -->
<HICOLOR2 value="fcdf00"/> <!-- cursor-->
<BACKGROUND value="8c7d64"/> <!--BACKGROUND-->
<FOREGROUND value="f8fcf8"/> <!-- song name -->
<HICOLOR1 value="4c4653"/> <!-- row count in song screen -->
<HICOLOR2 value="fcc100"/> <!-- cursor-->
<BACKGROUND value="ffffff"/> <!--BACKGROUND-->
<FOREGROUND value="000000"/> <!-- song name -->
<HICOLOR1 value="8dd8f1"/> <!-- row count in song screen -->
<HICOLOR2 value="fe9893"/> <!-- cursor-->
<BACKGROUND value="000000"/> <!--BACKGROUND-->
<FOREGROUND value="e5e5b9"/> <!-- song name -->
<HICOLOR1 value="35748b"/> <!-- row count in song screen -->
<HICOLOR2 value="ff4138"/> <!-- cursor-->
<BACKGROUND value="2b2b2b"/> <!--BACKGROUND-->
<FOREGROUND value="f8fcf8"/> <!-- song name -->
<HICOLOR1 value="5ca63a"/> <!-- row count in song screen -->
<HICOLOR2 value="fce400"/> <!-- cursor-->
Last edited by ui (Mar 12, 2012 4:52 am)
Im using this currently:
this site rocks!