(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

For real tho, it's so solid. The picture really doesn't do it justice.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

My buddy, Stardriver, is trying to sell a custom DMG and I figured I'd help him out by posting it here.
I had the pleasure of holding this beauty at BRK last weekend, and it is so dope.  He's currently asking 120 OBO. Don't miss out on this badboy! The mods are as follows: biverted white, green power led, internal prosound, and love. If you want it, I'll let him know. Thanks for looking!

This was such a wonderful gathering of awesome people. Hands down was the greatest 72 hours I've had in such a long time. I seriously fucking love all of you guys and gals so much!

Yeeeeeeeeah booooooiii! We're just over 2 hours out! So ready for this weekend!


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

iron_or wrote:

Thanks everyone. I'm going to get ahold of a lsdj and a modded gameboy (or do it myself). Maybe in a few months i'll have some cool music.

If you want to buy a modded GB, talk to Stardriver. I can put you in touch with him. I bought a green, prosound, play-it-loud GB with a blue inverted backlight and it rips man. Let me know.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I went from using step sequencers to trackers and the switch was difficult, but not impossible. I'd say 40 bucks for an ems cart plus the donation for lsdj is a good, cheap, and fun place to start. I write most of my stuff on an unmodded dmg and record using a prosounded color.

Here's an example of what my prosound w/o bass mod color sounded like with light mastering.

The Chase

Line up is looking so solid! I hope I can squeeze into an open mic slot.

Yes! I'll be seeing all of you beautiful people there!

Well, Legend of the Ghost Lion for nes has some dreamy tunes that seem to heavily favor echos. It's not actually that bad, but I remember hearing the battle music way too much.

Whomp 'Em was a family favorite and also had some strange, yet interesting, jams. I feel like people know about this one. I've seen some mixed reviews on it.

The Mafat Conspiracy if my memory serves me well, was an absolute nightmare to play. I loved the music, but the gameplay was atrocious. I was also very young.

While not terrible, I thought that Nintendo World Cup had some bangers. Same goes for Little Nemo. I still like the movie better than the game, though.

Maybe some Faxanadu, though I think that has gained some popularity. I always felt like the physics sucked in that game.

Some of Codmaster's stuff was meh on the gameplay, but they did pretty good with music. This was a pretty good example.


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

RJL wrote:

Pretty standard pricing guys,  shop around... These are the same price or cheaper than most of the Gameboys on eBay.

It's your mod and product, you get to decide how much it costs because it's your time invested. Haters gone hate.

I use my phone for fun times haha. I rarely use my computer except to check email/forums and download little things. Could it have been the driver install for the 64m flash Cart?

edit: It was totally my chrome install... hmm

Damn, I guess it was time for a new OS anyway haha. My b.

It seems to me like the cm.o forum is always sending me to adds and random links. A lot of the words in the forums become hyperlinks. How about you guys? Did I get super-hacked, or is this a common occurrence? If I have to donate to cm.o to get this to stop, I totally will.

Oh shit! I didn't realize who I was talking to; what up, Nursey?
I know we didn't get a chance to anything more than introduce ourselves at the Mario rave, but we should hang/collab soon dude.

For your snare you could try a table with some TSP modulation and/or some stereo panning. I almost always throw pans on snares. In the table: first tick is center pan, second tick is left, third tick is right, fourth tick is center, fifth tick is blank, and the sixth tick is a H05. The one thing a pan snare is bad for is a roll. They just don't sound all that great when they're 6 ticks apart.

I like a triangle WAV kick pitched at C5 with a table that has PEE(always funny to me) in the command column and a K command somewhere down the table.

Don't be afraid to try a pulse kick in PU1 if you have space for it. Again pitched at C5, but with a shape of E4 or E5. You can get a pretty smooth kick, but you can add some timbre by messing with TSP or S commands in the table. You can add grit using a VFx command, but it can get a little crunchy.

I hope I offered some sort of help. Let me know if any of that info helps 'cause I know it changed how my stuff sounds.


(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

defiantsystems wrote:

Haven't listened to the others.

I don't know if you should haha. I think the two best tracks to show the diversity of the plug-ins are Growth and Late September.  Stay away from the rest lol.