(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I've made an article about Picoloop on Battle of the Beats: http://battleofthebits.org/academy/Grou … r+your+PC/

I've also updated a bit the manual, and I'm working on a new Picoloop tune (which is quite crazy).

The new feature called "Step Pause" (Swiping left/right on a step activates step pause) is a cleaver addition and certainly useful in some occasion, but it can be a bit annoying when you don't need it, it means it can easily be accidentaly activated when you modify a note height. So either a less sensitive swipe (you must swipe longer on left or right) and / or an option to disable it completely would be useful.

The android manual is very small, and not every aspect of the app is covered in it. I've found this great tutorial on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdlJuojjuUg but I can't find any good manual / cheatsheet for nanoloop on android / iOS, are you aware of one?

(so here the feature request is a more complete manual)


(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

It seems you can buy a GIMIC there: http://eleshop.jp/shop/g/gDAV361/ but at 40000 yen, it's around 350 €, it's quite expensive (and you have to get the OPL3 module in addition)


(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

There is also the GIMIC box, but it's maybe hard to find if you're not living in Japan:

http://gimic.net/index.php?Getting%20St … 0G.I.M.I.C

It can be used as a VGM player, or as hardware synth, which is really cool. It supports, among others, the OPL3 chip.

I own a YMF724 opl3 PCI card, and I can confirm the dedicated Adlib Tracker II version for DOS is working fine from any windows XP session, and drive directly the OPL3 module on the chip: https://soundcloud.com/garvalf/cyber-danserye

I also have the YM2151 arduino shield and the OPA shield, they are cool projects, the only thing I regret on the new OPA thing is that there is no software emulator, which would be easier for me for designing things for it. So for I've only recorded one thing on it, I hope to find time to make more stuff on it during the winter holidays: https://soundcloud.com/memento-somniare … musicbox-2


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@sandneil: Beepola was made for Windows, so we can't really complain it doesn't work perfectly on another OS. And I hope pulseaudio is not considered vital because it seriously sucks!


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

maybe it's different on Mint/Ubuntu. On the other hand, I think I managed to get firefox working without pulseaudio and with html5 on one of the computers, so it's maybe another problem. I'll try also the official mozilla build.


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

yes, uninstalling pulseaudio had some problem with firefox only, and I need html5 audio support sad
Otherwise I would have done it gladly.


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

thanks again for the pointer. The problem is indeed pulseaudio. Now I'm on another computer, running linux mint too (I don't think I've ever run beepola on this one), I've started it and loaded a song. After 3 patterns I got the slowdowns and the funny glitches. I've just killed pulseaudio and now I've run the song entirely without problem. So why doesn't it work this way on the other main computers? I don't know exactly. The problem is on one of them pulseaudio is not running but it was installed before. On an other one, without pulseaudio, there is no sound at all (in wine). And on this current computer, where beepola is running fine without pulseaudio, once I've killed pulseaudio, I can't get html5 sounds in firefox, so I can't just get rid of the pulseaudio shit sad
But at least I have one computer where I can work on my beepola tunes!


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@mt12345 All those differences between distributions... that's odd. On a quite high end computer running linux mint, beepola has the glitches. I'll have a look at linuxbbq or a regular debian distribution, thanks!

Very nice website!


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@mt12345 : here is a beepola song which has the problem on Linux: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4klvq … sp=sharing

The tritone engine has the problem, but it's even worse if you shift the engine to Qchan, then slowdown is even more massive. Sometimes  (I mean, on some computers) there are slowdown, on others the sound is corrupt in a different way but it sounds bad anyway. I'm 100 % sure it's a buffer problem, but beepola doesn't allow to increase the buffer so I fear it's hopeless.


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Ok, i'll post one later. Btw sometimes the problem appears after more than 10 patterns. As soon as i stop and restart the replay, the sound is ok, and after 3-4 patterns problem appears again.


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@mt12345 No specific demo songs to show, it seems to have the problem on most songs. It plays well, and after 1 or 2 patterns the sound begins to go havoc. When I encountered this for the first time, I killed or removed pulseaudio and it seemed to do the job. But now even this isn't enough, I'm still getting the sound tearing. I'm using the kx repo as well, with a low latency kernel.


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

If you can give tips on how to use beepola with wine, it would be cool, because the sound gets corrupt very quickly (buffer problem I guess)

nice musics XyNo...

I've finished the transcription of Lully's march to Megadrive: http://2a03.free.fr/dl.php?file=5298

I'll probably try to improve the instruments and the orchestration later...