
This afternoon I managed to get a Raspberry Pi to sync LSDj in slave mode - great success! - however most of what I've been doing is to simply look at the arduinoboy code and translate it into something that works on the RPi. So my question is, do I continue to translate Arduinoboy-code, or has someone put together a guide/overview of what the different modes in LSDj are able to send and receive (and by what means)?


You will definitely need 4 carts to run LSDJ on all 4 gameboys. wink

If you just need to sync gameboys, I think the easiest solution is to purchase a 4-player adapter and perform a certain mod which you should be able to find somewhere on the forum.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/16533 … -link-mod/


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bitjacker wrote:

ill beta test the shit out of your prototype.

Great, I'll keep you in the loop! big_smile

catskull wrote:

I actually found a supplier of new GBC/GBA link ports! So it wouldn't increase costs much and you wouldn't have to butcher old boards!

Ah, nice! But I take that you've had no luck with DMG link ports? wink


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bitjacker wrote:

So it is happening, but just needs time. that's good. I wont jump the gun on this then. Do you have a blog about this project that i can follow, zii.hrs?

Nah, but I'll post around here when I'm getting closer to the finish line. wink
Still waiting for some parts to arrive to finish the physical build.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bitjacker wrote:

has an arduino boy been made from a rasperri pi? i might do something that could brick my 3ds and ill need one to reflash my nand anyways...

I'm slowly working on something like it, won't promise anything though. Most of my efforts so far have gone to convert the arduinoboy code into an object-oriented style.

catskull wrote:

Nobody wants to snag one early?

Would it be cool if instead of cutting a link cable, you could just plug one into the arduinoboy directly? As in, you'd actually solder a link port onto the PCB? Or would people rather solder them right on?

I'm trying stuff out on a Raspberry Pi, and this is what I am aiming for. I have a broken board from which I can desolder the link port, but wouldn't this be quite expensive for a kit, unless the link port is some standard port that you can buy individually?

Cool big_smile

It's the same as doing it on Win8.1 then ;^)

Coming to SuperByte?

Got hyped and booked flights anyway, can't wait! ;^)
Still got one ticket though, can deliver on Friday.

It's really, really good!

Need to get rid of these. 20£/ea. or 30£ for both.

Won't be able to attend so I have two tickets for sale. sad
25£/ea. or 45£ for both. Will ship to anywhere.

Dire Hit wrote:
zii.hrs wrote:

Possible to sneak me a .lsdsng of Hollows? It rocks so hard

I'll see what I can do, but it relies on custom kits.

Rad! wink

Possible to sneak me a .lsdsng of Hollows? It rocks so hard